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Financial Audio Program Helps Parents Talk to Kids about Money
DollarSmartKids Enterprises Inc.- Financial Products for Youth DollarSmartKids Enterprises Inc.- Financial Products for Youth
New York, NY
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

How to Teach Your Children the Most Critical Financial Life Skills Audio Program
Parents everywhere can breathe a sigh of relief knowing they are getting some help when it comes to teaching their kids about money. It's a topic many parents aren't comfortable discussing. Recent surveys show they find it easier to talk about bullying, smoking and drugs, than money skills. Nancy Phillips, mother of two young children and the founder of DollarSmartKids Enterprises, has released a program to address this global problem.

"Learning good financial habits can transform a child's future," Phillips says. "Financial decision making skills are used each day and impact every part of a person's life from health to relationships to careers and opportunities. Parents everywhere want to help their children learn these essential skills but aren't sure where to start or what to say and do. That's exactly why this audio program was created – to explain the key concepts in an easy to follow format that isn't intimidating."

Phillips wanted to know exactly what to teach her children about financial and life success skills several years ago and couldn't find the type of resources she was looking for. That led to a period of extensive research to find the international "best practices" that not only include financial skills, but also the life success skills necessary to thrive in this rapidly changing world.

Now Phillips is sharing this information through an easy to use audio program and workbook. Parents can use the framework and tips with their children during daily life right from the pre-school years through high school. Phillips says "parents need to be aware of these universal skills and when to teach them so their children have the opportunity to get hands-on practice and build their experience as they grow and mature. It's just like learning a sport; everyone needs practice to master a skill, it doesn't happen with one or two conversations. Financial literacy can be learned and practiced together, two generations at once, and the benefits can be transformational for the entire family. This program allows parents to listen to all the key concepts in one evening, in a relaxing, easy way."

The audio program comes with a workbook which illustrates the key money milestones or "building blocks" of financial education according to age. The framework is called the Zela Wela Kids Financial House©. Other topics addressed in the program include: damaging mistakes for parents to avoid when teaching money skills, the Mom Effect, answers to common questions regarding allowances, habits of the wealthy and how to have the credit card "talk" with teens.

"Parents have needed a clear roadmap to teach these essential skills to their kids for a long time now. This program was created to give busy parents the specific information they need to help their children lead fulfilling, financially successful lives in today's world."

The audio program How to Teach Your Children the Most Critical Financial Life Skills is available globally at http://www.zelawelakids.com/store/

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Ms. Nancy Phillips,BSc., EMBA
Title: Founder and President
Group: DollarSmartKids Enterprises Inc.
Dateline: Kelowna, BC Canada
Direct Phone: 250-864-9419
Cell Phone: 250-864-9419
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