Home > NewsRelease > First Annual Cote d’Ivoire Diversity Week Festival to Promote Diversity
First Annual Cote d’Ivoire Diversity Week Festival to Promote Diversity
Corinne Innis --  Penn Fleming Public Relations Corinne Innis -- Penn Fleming Public Relations
New York, NY
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Contact: George Konan

Office (212) 862-4583

First Annual Cote d'Ivoire Diversity Week Festival



Harlem, New York, U.S.A—The first annual Cote D'Ivoire festival will kickoff on Saturday, September 12, 2009 in Morningside Park (Enter at 114h Street) at 12:00 Noon.  This festival will serve as the culmination of a series of events that were planned under the direction of Mr. George Konan, Founder and Executive Director of Cote d'Ivoire Diversity Week (CIDW) to raise awareness about the rich cultural heritage of Cote D'Ivoire and to bridge the gap between the continental African and the larger New York community. "We are working to make the presence of continental Africa a part of the cultural and diversified landscape of New York City, and beyond", states Konan. Noting that there are more than 20,000 Ivorians living in New York City alone, Konan adds,  " It is imperative that people learn about Cote d'Ivoire's resources because cultural education creates a form of balance—a balance that is needed in today's world where bigotry and racism threaten the fabric of our society". 

The festival offers a rare opportunity for businesses, professionals, students, and tourists to witness first hand the economic and social impact that one of Africa's leading nations has on the developing world.  In recognition of its economic stronghold, the Reverend Jesse Jackson, who recently spent five days in Cote d'Ivoire concluded, "For most of its forty-nine-year history as an independent nation, Cote d'Ivoire has been a shining light of a dimly viewed West Africa. Politically stable, culturally tolerant, and economically vigorous, Cote d'Ivoire was and is the regional powerhouse" (Jackson was bestowed the honor of being named "Prince of Krindgabo" during his visit)

The theme of this year's festival will be "A Cote d'Ivoire Renaissance: Promoting Diversity through Tradition and the Arts." The artistic director of the festival is Robert Kool Bell, Legendary Band Leader of Kool & the Gang who will lend his expertise to the vision of Mr. George Konan. The two have planned a wide array of activities sure to delight and mesmerize all ages and groups. The festival will feature musical and dance performances by local Ivorian bands: Adou Azouhouni, Desire Gadeau, Loba Akou AfroJazz Band, Shakama, Marechal DJ, Diago Strong and Yannick Noah. Additionally, there will be an African Textile Fashion show (produced by New York avant-garde fashion visionary Christian Ruart), Kaoka Dance Company, Kotchegna Dance Company, choreographer Mamadou Dahoue, dance workshops, face painting, spoken word performances, and art exhibits showcasing the artistic and cultural diversity of the Republic of Cote D'Ivoire.

"Our vision is to celebrate and promote cultural diversity, recognizing all humanity as one big community of creative people," says George Konan.

For more information on the September 12, 2009 Festival schedule please go to:



2544 Eighth Avenue Suite 200B

New York, New York 10030

Ph: (212) 862-4583

Email: cotedivoire7@gmail.com

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