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First FUNNY Self-help Movie Now on DVD
Robin Jay --  Las Vegas Keynote Speaker Robin Jay -- Las Vegas Keynote Speaker
Las Vegas, NV
Friday, January 27, 2012

"The KEEPER of the KEYS" - the First FUNNY Self-help Film, Now Available on DVD
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Producer Robin Jay announced today that the first funny self-help movie, "The KEEPER of the KEYS", is now available on DVD. The movie stars personal development icons Jack Canfield, John Gray, and Marci Shimoff, along with a cast of outstanding experts.

The movie has been met with rave reviews. Stephen Simon, co-founder of The Spiritual Cinema Circle, Producer of Somewhere in Time and What Dreams May Come, and Producer/Director Conversations with God and Indigo writes, "The Keeper of The Keys is the most innovative and entertaining film of its kind ever made. Wildly original, howlingly funny, fast-paced, and utterly delightful in every way, the film is truly a gift to the world. True to its ad copy, the film takes 'the hell out of self-help' and is the new gold standard in its genre. When you see this movie, you will learn, laugh, and clap your hands with joy!"

Says Jay, "It's so engaging, you'll have to remind yourself you're watching a documentary. It's actually more of a hybrid – a rare combination of comedy and documentary. Viewers will come away empowered. There is a lot of content in this movie, but it's pre?Úntdd!i{uch a way that it's more entertaining than anything personal development moviegoers have ever seen before. This is definitely a DVD that people will want to own so that they can watch it again and again, as well as share it with friends and family."

The fictional plot centers around the character of Michael Walden, a man who finds himself in a downward spiral. After losing his job and finding his house in foreclosure, he becomes increasingly negative and frustrated. It doesn't help that his fiancée Anne, tired of his endless, ne?Þtiwe#r P|s, breaks off their engagement.

Poor Michael is down and out – a victim of his circumstances ... or so he believes. Then, one night, Success Coach Jack Canfield appears on Michael's TV screen, foretelling what is to come. Jack is sending some friends to help Michael find his way; they are experts who can help him gain control of his life. Think "A Christmas Carol" meets "The Secret" – with Jack Canfield playing a sort of motivational "Jacob Marley" character.

So begins an incredible journey that has Michael encountering experts from around the world as he is led through an eerie estate by Elizabeth, a spiritual guide.

The experts, including John Gray and Marci Shimoff, share their incredible stories of personal empowerment. Elizabeth and the experts explain the keys of the Universe and how they work.

But, Michael is not easily convinced; he hears the experts' stories and argues with them. TÍoufh%t[(magic of the mysterious dwelling and the powerful images the experts share, Michael begins to realize that understanding the keys will help him to break free from the thoughts and patterns that have kept him stuck in a deteriorating, negative reality.

"The Keeper of the Keys" is the brainchild of producer Robin Jay, who wrote, produced, and even appears in the movie as "Elizabeth," a mysterious spiritual guide. As she explains it, "I'm in the industry, yet I have had trouble watching most of the self-help movies that have been made so far. Ever since the success of 'The Secret,' the typical self-help film seems to be little more than an endless stream of talking heads. And, even though most of them offer powerful solutions to life's greatest questions or challenges, they are so dry that watching them becomes boring torture – much like sitting througàÕa cao W cture.

"I wanted to create a movie that would empower the viewers, and to do that, we first must ENGAGE them! And there is no better way to get someone's attention than with humor - and deeply personal anecdotes about life-changing events. The experts in this movie really offer a diverse selection of moving, true stories. As president of the Las Vegas Convention Speakers Bureau, I have come to know some of the most outstanding experts in the industry ... so I knew just which speakers to invite to be featured in the film. I think this movie will sý?prhsh V*st people."

The movie was produced in association with director Scott Cervine and Movies from the Heart. Cervine contributed much of the fictional – or narrative – story dialogue, directed and edited the film, and stars as the funny-yet-argumentative character of "Michael."

The movie is now available on DVD on the movie website, at www.TheKEEPERoftheKEYS.com. Visitors to the site and fans of the movie are encouraged to sign up for the affiliate program while on the site. Affiliates can í?rn!a/p^7centage of all DVD sales they generate.

For more information, visit www.TheKEEPERoftheKEYS, or email the producer: Robin@RobinJay.com.

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Name: Robin Jay
Title: President
Group: Las Vegas Convention Speakers Bureau
Dateline: Las Vegas, NV United States
Direct Phone: 702-460-1420
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