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First Funny Self-help Film Now Available Internationally
Robin Jay --  Las Vegas Keynote Speaker Robin Jay -- Las Vegas Keynote Speaker
Las Vegas, NV
Thursday, March 29, 2012

"Elizabeth" Leads "Michael" through Mysterious Mansion Looking for Answers
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The Keeper of the Keys, the first FUNNY self-help film, is now available for international shipping. Producer Robin Jay announced this week that the website, www.TheKeeperoftheKeys.com, is now fully enabled to ship DVDs to any location in the world.

The Keeper of the Keys is a unique hybrid that seamlessly blends expertise with entertaining fiction to create a compelling, empowering movie viewers will want to watch again and again.

The story revolves around the character of Michael Walden, played perfectly by Scott Cervine, who also directed the indie film. Michael is having one bad day after another … and there is no end in sight. He is a victim of his circumstances … or so he believes. After losing his job and finding his house in foreclosure, he becomes increasingly negative and frustrated. It doesn't help that his fiancée, Anne, tired of his rants, breaks off their engagement. Depressed and discouraged, he falls asleep … and dreams.

Success coach Jack Canfield appears and tells Michael he is sending some friends – experts – who will help him to discover the keys and how to use them. So begins an incredible journey that has Michael encountering experts from around the world as he is led through an eerie estate by Elizabeth, a mysterious spiritual guide. Think Harry Potter meets The Secret and you'll have an idea of just how entertaining this documentary hybrid is. Not since A Christmas Carol has a dream been this rich, this revealing, or this much fun.

The experts, including Jack Canfield, John Gray and Marci Shimoff, share their incredible stories of personal empowerment. Elizabeth and the experts explain the keys of the Universe and how they work. Jay says, "The lessons in this movie are not just the typical sound bites we've heard over and over again. Rather, the experts in this movie offer deeply personal stories of transformation that will resonate with viewers and stay with them for the rest of their lives. Most people who see the movie are anxious to watch it again and again. In fact, I heard this week from a woman in Australia who said she plans to watch it EVERY week!"

"As writer and producer, my goal was to make the main character, Michael, someone who is completely adverse to personal growth. In fact, he hears the experts' stories and argues with them. Through the magic of the mysterious dwelling and the powerful images the experts share, Michael begins to realize that understanding the keys will help him to break free from the thoughts and patterns that have kept him stuck in a deteriorating, negative reality. I accomplished my goal of making this movie really fun, funny, and engaging!"

Jay decided it was about time someone "took the 'Hell' out of SELF HELP!" She says, "People ask me to explain this tag line all the time. Nothing sums it up better than the fact that nearly everyone who sees this film says, 'It exceeded my expectations; it was so much better than I thought it would be … it was REALLY great!' That's because MOST self-help movies are little more than an endless stream of talking heads, delivering trite sound bites … you know … a little 'Hell-ish' to watch! My goal was to empower the viewers, and I couldn't do that without first ENGAGING them. And there is no better way to engage someone than by using humor. It all worked beautifully and the movie is really extraordinary – like nothing else anyone has ever seen before. Once you see it, you'll agree – self-help has never been so much fun."

Jay adds, "We are currently seeking international distribution and licensing opportunities. The movie was already selected to be the April release for Spiritual Cinema Circle, which is a great start. I'm excited about making this movie available to people the world over. Now that we can ship the DVDs to anywhere in the world, we are well on our way to reaching more people, helping everyone to live the life of their dreams."

To order the DVD, click here And, for more information about the movie or to discuss licensing/distribution opportunities, contact Robin Jay at Robin@RobinJay.com or call 702-460-1420.

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Name: Robin Jay
Title: President
Group: Las Vegas Convention Speakers Bureau
Dateline: Las Vegas, NV United States
Direct Phone: 702-460-1420
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