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Fix My Boss and Create a Positive Work Environment with Molly McGrath
Gayle Lantz - Leadership Expert Gayle Lantz - Leadership Expert
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Birmingham, AL
Thursday, June 13, 2024


Many employees across industries share a common frustration — they wish they could “fix” their boss. While the leadership abilities of managers often leave room for improvement, the reality is that positive change requires effort and understanding from both parties.

Gayle Lantz speaks with Molly McGrath, author of the Amazon top-ranked book “Fix My Boss: The Simple Plan to Cultivate Respect, Risk Courageous Conversations and Increase the Bottom Line.” Molly is the founder and CEO of Hiring and Empowering Solutions, providing legal staffing and law firm development services.

With over two decades of experience coaching and consulting with executives, Molly understands the challenges leaders face in creating a positive work environment that fosters trust, respect, and open communication. She offers practical tips and insights for bosses and employees alike on how to improve their working relationships and cultivate a culture of empowerment and collaboration.

This episode covers:

  • The importance of a two-sided relationship between leaders and employees, treating employees as “internal clients”
  • Strategies for having courageous conversations and addressing issues in real-time, rather than waiting for performance reviews
  • The role of vulnerability, curiosity, and a growth mindset in building trust and respect
  • Techniques for setting the tone, facilitating productive meetings, and creating a safe space for open dialogue
  • Practical advice for leaders on visualizing and defining a positive work environment, and taking actionable steps to achieve it

Whether you’re a manager seeking to improve your leadership skills or an employee looking to enhance communication with your boss, this episode provides valuable perspectives and actionable insights to help you navigate workplace dynamics and create a more positive, productive, and rewarding work experience for all.



Previous CEO on the Go Episodes:

Say “No” to the Hamster Wheel to Build Your Business with Jadah Sellner

Keys to Leading Your Team Through Change: A Coaching Perspective

News Media Interview Contact
Name: Gayle Lantz
Group: WorkMatters, Inc.
Dateline: Birmingham, AL United States
Direct Phone: 205 879-8494
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