Monday, April 22, 2024
Interesting stuff happening or happened today. Not an exhaustive list. Definite liberal truth bias.
by Janice L Blixt
Volkswagen workers made history last night in Chattanooga, as they voted in a landslide to join the United Auto Workers Union (UAW). Despite pressure from seven southern Governors, including TN, the chamber of commerce, and numerous Republican campaigns, workers voted 2,628 to 985 for union representation. This is the first auto plant in the South to unionize since the 1940s. UAW plans to push for unions across the South in the next few years.
1,000-year-old dynasty of The Princely House of Liechtenstein’s private banking and asset management group, LGT Group, headed by Prince Hans-Adam II, was worth nearly 306 billion Swiss francs, or £270 billion last year, making theirs the richest royal house in Europe. For comparison, King Charles III is considered to be worth only about £1.8bn.
The Senate voted 60–34 early Saturday morning to reauthorize Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), just after authority for the controversial spy program had lapsed at midnight.
Education advocate and Nigerian chess champion Tunde Onakoya broke the work record this morning for longest continuous chess playing, 60 hours, raising over $1mn for Chess in Slums Africa, the charity he founded that works to empower children in needy communities by bringing educational opportunities – and chess. The games were played in NY’s Times Square against American chess master Shawn Martinez. Onakoyo won every game.
25th anniversary of the shootings at Columbine. Hug your kids.
The US has announced we’re pulling out troops out of Niger and shutting down the drone base near Agadez, in the Sahara desert. The base was built six years ago, and has played a key role in the US and French strategy to combat jihadists in West Africa, however, since military leaders seized power in Niger in a coup last year, they have sought closer ties with Russia.
Update to yesterday’s cybertruck recall story. Recall is nearly complete. Methodical and well organized. Since only about 4000 of the trucks had been sold… so…
An Indiana jury convicted Andrew Wilhoite of involuntary manslaughter this week. He had faced murder charges for hitting his wife over the head with a flower pot and leaving her in a creek to drown. She had told him she wanted a divorce. While the trial was underway, Wilhoite was one of three Republican candidates who advanced in a 2022 primary for a township board position – he later withdrew. “Involuntary manslaughter” and he won an election, WTF, Indiana???
Flights have resumed at Dubai airport following last week’s floods.
Dick Van Dyke has been nominated for a Daytime Emmy award for his role as Timothy Robicheaux, an amnesiac, on the long-running soap Days of Our Lives. At 98, he is eldest ever Emmy nominee. He has four Primetime Emmys. (Emmies?)
Today starts bridge-raising season in Chicago. IYKYK
“It’s our turn again” in flooding news. A storm system is currently battering the Gulf states, mostly TX, 3-5 in. of rain expected, flash flood alerts in large areas, and tornado possibilities. And it’s snowing in CO.
As expected, the House passed HR 8035 funding $61bn in military aid to Ukraine (311-112: all 112 Repub), AND HR 8038 which increases sanctions on Russia and allows for the seizure and transfer to Ukraine over $300bn in Russian assets.
Other HRs passed include $26 billion for Israel – including $9.1 billion for humanitarian needs for Palestinians – and $8.12 billion for the Indo-Pacific, including Taiwan.
The measure to ban TikTok unless it’s sold to a Western company was also included in the overall package.
The Senate will vote on it all on Tuesday.
Researchers from UNM have published their findings that the purpose of the howl of the Southern Grasshopper Mouse is to establish territory and the sound it makes (by standing on its hind legs, pointing its nose into the air and producing a high pitched howl the same way a wolf does) can be heard for up to 330 feet. Their favorite prey is the Arizona bark scorpion – whose venom can be fatal to humans – but will attack nearly anything moving after stalking it and they generally kill with a ferocious bite to the head. And they’re cute!
There’s tons more, it’s a big world, but that’s a quick clip.