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Food Handler's tip for the season.
Varney Kanneh -- Food Safety Expert Varney Kanneh -- Food Safety Expert
Bowie, MD
Saturday, November 21, 2015


In this holiday season every year, foodborne illnesses; mainly diarheal diseases and many a time acute respitory infections can be responsible for the death of more than 4.0 million children, who are under age 5. A thorough scrub of wet hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and rinse off under and with warm water at such critical times:  after using the restroom, taking the trash out, changing working stations, touching raw and uncooked low acid foods like meat, fish and chicken and other contaminated surfaces, cleaning a child in a day care center and at home; or playing with your hair and other body parts; before handling any food, no matter where your position is in the food chain.  When one is aware of these as habits we have to acknowledge to be prevented; seriously can help to reduce foodborne illness  by more than 40%, yet the above mentioned simple behaviors are not practiced regularly in our homes. nursing homes, day care centers and in food service facilities and businesses.  

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Name: Varney Kanneh
Title: Author/Writer
Dateline: Bowie, MD United States
Direct Phone: (240) 206-9313
Cell Phone: (240) 893-9401
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