Home > NewsRelease > For Everything There Is A Season… Plus Some Pot-Stirring
For Everything There Is A Season… Plus Some Pot-Stirring
Barbara Morris - Pharmacist - Writer - Aging Issues Barbara Morris - Pharmacist - Writer - Aging Issues
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Surprise, AZ
Monday, February 24, 2025

Joyce L. Shafer
Joyce L. Shafer

For everything there is a season, a right time for every intention under heaven—a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to throw stones and a time to gather stones, a time to embrace and a time to refrain, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to discard, a time to tear and a time to sew, a time to keep silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace. — Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 CJB

For so long, I’ve wished more people realized the season we’re in: We’re in a supernatural war with physical, real-world affectations. But how might I convey that and have it make sense, especially to some who’d think I’m cracked for saying so? Recently, when I approached God about this yet again, He directed me to my bookshelf. You see, He’d already done this through His Word, but also with one of His contemporary warriors, someone I’ve mentioned before, the man who wrote this:

“…the concept is simple; if you don’t know what you’re up against, how in the world would you know how to combat it? ….  If we do not fully comprehend the supernatural nature of the narrative into which we have been written (that of war marked by enmity and corruption juxtaposed with redemption and reconciliation), we will by default accept a much lesser version. I have found this to be overwhelmingly true in my personal experiences. Unaware that I had acquiesced to a ‘Seeker-Friendly’, ‘personal-emotional-prosperity-centered’ church (a ‘lesser narrative’) I accepted as normal its culturally-contaminated, tepid presentation of the Gospel. I was ignorant to the wonders of my Resurrected, Conquering King and the life-giving power of His Word; ignorant of the combat zone in which I lived and the crucial position I was supposed to be playing. The ‘presumptuous sin’ that I was ‘doing it!’ had taken ‘domain’ over me. In grace, the Lord drew me into a more biblically astute church and then further still into the study of Scripture through the lens of the Supernatural Worldview, Prophecy, and power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in every detail of the Word.”

If we don’t even recognize we’re in a spiritual/supernatural and, by default, physical battle, how we can assess our readiness – and what does that even mean? OR, what if we’re of an age or out of shape or infirm or disabled; what then?! I’ll answer in a bit.

The man I refer to is Jamie Walden. In Something Strange is Happening Around The World Jamie Walden Omega Dynamics, Jamie said that other than the Bible and books by others of his ilk, he’s not big on reading anything longer than articles. When God told him to write a book, he balked. The story of this event and how getting started went is worth hearing at the link provided.

How many of you, or people you know, are aware of the threats we’re under? Yes, the ones you immediately thought of exist and are some of the real-world affectations, but how aware of or how often do you give thought to what’s on the list that follows, taken from Jamie’s book?

“Although the threats are formidable and varied… Transhumanism * Hybridization * Artificial Intelligence * Bio-Tech Interface * Biohacking * Neural Lacing/Transcendence * Singularity * IOT (Internet of Things)/5G * Sentient World Simulation * Augmented & Virtual Reality * Blockchain Tech  CRISPR Gene Editing Tech * Genetically Enhanced/Inheritable Modifications * Black Physics * Particle Physics * Quantum Computing * CERN * Trans-Dimensional Physics and Tech * ELF/EMF Energy Manipulations * HAARP/GWEN Tech * Geoengineering * Terraforming * Volcanism and Geophysics * Astrocatastrophism * Climatological Chaos * Genetic Modification of All Organisms * Rise of Occultism-Mystery Religions and Dark Arts * Rise of the Days of Noah * Cultural Cannibalism (Canaan-Baal-ism) * Return of the “GOLDEN AGE of the gods” * Abounding Lawlessness * Peace Being Taken from the Earth * The Great Apostasia * Ecumenism * The Way of Truth Coming into Disrepute * The Intolerance of “Sound Doctrine” * Strong Delusions * The Wearing-Out of the Saints.” [Emphasis on Golden Age is mine.]

How many of what’s included in that list are you familiar with or never heard of before? They all exist Right Now, and all are engaged in asymmetrical warfare against humans—us, whether they/we follow Jesus Christ or not.

How might we assess our readiness for what’s happening now and to come? From Jamie’s Omega Dynamics Study Guide, here’s a start: 

“The world around us is changing with unfathomable intensity and velocity. Some of us assume a posture of apathy and indifference; this yields increasing compromise and delusion. Some of us are awake to the threats and long to stand for truth, righteousness, and the glory of King Jesus in this generation; this yields many questions in need of answers:

What does the future hold in light of such radical changes occurring all around us? * I’m in a War? How do I understand the nature of this war? * What is my position to play in this increasingly hostile environment? * How do I truly become a Warrior for the Lord God Almighty? * What does it mean to ‘know’ the Lord and ‘do exploits’ in this generation? * How do I stand firm amid all of the competing voices, deceptions, threats, and chaos? * How do I fight against physical and spiritual onslaught taking place all around us? * Who will be standing to my right and to my left in the days ahead? * What are my weapons of warfare so I can withstand in this generation? * How do I cling to hope, joy, and thanksgiving in such a darkening world?”

Add to this, more asymmetrical weapons of warfare currently waged against us that include such things as these: A push to censor or deride and degrade anyone who goes against the Prevailing Progressive Narrative. Recently, in the Netherlands, a man caught in the delusion that he’s a woman has sued beauticians who refused to wax his genitals and is now suing a gynecologist who refuses to take him as a patient. The Court sided with the deluded man. That’s only one of many such actual events that result from feigning denial of the two-genders-only fact and the craziness, and sometimes criminality, that goes with such denial. Check out this warning about the UK: Americans warned: ‘You could be arrested as soon as you step foot’ in major Western country for your social media posts back home

Approve or not, DOGE has revealed an extraordinary impetus around the world by the U.S. government via USAID, to push abortion, DEI, sex-change treatments and surgeries (an expensive farce, of course), and LGBTQ+, all paid for with U.S. taxpayer dollars. There’s the push in the USA for sexualizing children and all that such hideousness entails; the genital mutilation of our children, and on and on ad nauseum.

Do you see one glaring pattern in particular? It’s the extreme effort to cause more and more people to be further from the image of God than our Almighty God and Father created us to be. Another is to endorse/force tolerance of what was only recently considered intolerable, psychiatric and anomalous behaviors, and even criminal in some instances. This is happening in so many first-world countries, though USA (especially during 2020-2024) seems to have been the one holding third-world countries hostage to our own spiritual illness via funding: “Infect your people/nation with these mind-and-spiritual ‘viruses’ if you want the money”.

And though it’s a bit of a “looking back,” it’s worth seeing what LTC Robert L. Maginnis wrote in his book, PROGRESSIVE EVIL: How Radicals Are Redefining America’s Rights, Institutions and Ideal, Making Her Globally Irrelevant for The End Times. From the description: Progressive Evil confirms that Western humanity as we know it is on a downward spiral thanks in part to cultural Marxism: a social and political movement that promotes unreason and irrationality through the guise of various social justice causes. That ideology deliberately deceives and disarms the malleable, unsuspecting masses and is the tool of contemporary progressives, an evil cabal represented by a stable filled with Democratic Party presidential candidates.  

Maginnis poses three questions that stymie many of us, most especially Bible-believing Christians: “What makes progressives tick (translation: ‘behave in a certain way’)? What does the Bible say about the issues important to progressives? What do many progressives think about Bible-believing Christians?” The answers, alone, are worth investing in the book, and we draw a similar conclusion Maginnis does that goes along with Jamie Walden’s nudge to assess what’s what: “Bible-believing Christians must understand the rationale and techniques progressives use to protect themselves and to bend God’s Word to their liking.”

Candidly, I was gobsmacked when Maginnis included something a progressive pastor out of Boulder, CO, had said – and it was verbatim(!) what a “progressive Christian” recently posted in response to a FB meme I shared. I recall wondering where in the world did she ever get such a wrong understanding of that particular biblical historical event? Now I know: It’s stunning! If you truly want to understand what drives them, I can’t promise Maginnis answers your every question, but he sure answers some of the significant ones.

Too many of us have our focus on the wrong targets – the “flashy things” – that keep our attention from where it needs to be. Here’s the intro from this time-sensitive message: “The devil’s lullaby seems to be the only thing that most of us are actually listening to these days. Hey, TRUMP’s in office now, right? So that means none of God’s scriptures and prophetic Word are true any longer. Like, that’s pretty cool; we’re good to go now, right? — God will not be mocked – by any man and by any woman, and by any hireling in a pulpit or in DC or anyone else on the face of the earth. He will not be mocked by Elon Musk; He will not be mocked by the technocratic oligarchs; He will not be mocked by you.” Jamie speaks with zeal for the LORD our God. Some people are so used to the “seeker-friendly, soft-touch” tones of compromising pastors in pulpits, they focus more on how Jamie speaks than on what he says. I pray you’re not of that ilk; I pray your heart hungers and thirsts for the Truth, whose Name is Jesus, Lion of the tribe of Judah: HEARING IMPAIRED: TO THOSE WITH EARS TO HEAR

I pray that more of us recognize our need to increase our understanding of the war we’re in and how we can prepare ourselves to serve our God and for God to open eyes and ears of both the saved and those who can be, who may have been led to “feed and drink in wrong pastures.” The time grows shorter each day. We need to reduce how much focus we give to news, social sites, and other distractions and keep our eyes, ears, hearts, and minds on Christ Jesus of the Bible, our Redeemer King – NOT the woke false one being pushed by too many, including in pulpits. More and more, my spirit is grieved whenever I’m looking around online. There’s a consistent effort to generate greater animosity among us, whatever the topic.

I get no compensation by recommending you read Jamie’s book, study guide, or watch any of his videos. Same for Maginnis’ book or anything I share here. I speak of them because, to repeat, the days grow short and the distractions will only increase, as will the deceptions leading up to the Great Deception Christ Jesus warned that even the elect might be fooled by. Do you know what to watch out for? Watch Jamie’s video of that name: THE GREAT DECEPTION

SORRY, NOT SORRY: Who’s Up for Some Pot-Stirring?

Part of the current deception is troubling and speaks to what too many of us lack in comprehension: Both political sides are engaged in asymmetrical warfare – against a holy God and therefore us. What I’m sharing here will “bend the noodle” of a few people, especially those who never dive below the surface, so to speak. And let me repeat this regarding my inclusion of these next items—Sorry, not sorry: the Truth will set you free, but it often ticks you off first.

First paragraph excerpt: “In this article, I’d like to share a compilation of images and sources that you can reference when engaging in conversations about Donald Trump, offering a different perspective and enabling you to challenge narratives, helping others see that there’s more to the story than what’s on the surface.” (3) Portrait of an American Heresy – Probablyalexandra

And these two: WE DO NOT CONSENT – Part One – nolongerenslaved

and WE DO NOT CONSENT – Part Two – nolongerenslaved

And here’s one more to contemplate, from retired Marine, former LEO with Homeland Security—Doug Thornton: GOING LIVE! Trump Appoints False Prophet/False Teacher Paula White to be in Charge Of Faith Office

If you’re still with me here, Yay you! And…

Here’s the answer to my earlier posed question: What if you’re “of an age” or out of shape or infirm or disabled? How can you be a warrior for God? Be a prayer and praise warrior. Prayer should always be our first line of defense, accompanied by praise. Revisit the Bible chapters about Joshua at Jericho, Jehoshaphat against the three armies, and Esther leading all Jews (and some others) to engage in three days of dry-fasting and prayer.

Also, keep this in mind at all times: It is never, ever about what we can do; it is always and forevermore about Who Almighty God is. “Those who act wickedly against the covenant he will corrupt with his blandishments, but the people who know their God will stand firm and prevail.” — Daniel 11:32 CJB

Quick Note: It’s about knowing God (intimate relationship with Him), not knowing about Him. Even demons know about Him—and they know enough to quake at the thought of Him.

Borrowing from Ephesians 1:17-22 CJB: “In my prayers I keep asking the God of our Lord Yeshua/Jesus the Messiah, the glorious Father, to give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you will have full knowledge of him. I pray that he will give light to the eyes of your hearts, so that you will understand the hope to which he has called you, what rich glories there are in the inheritance he has promised his people, and how surpassingly great is his power working in us who trust him.”

Barbara Morris, R.Ph.
P.O. Box 8345
Surprise, AZ 85388

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Title: Editor, Publisher
Dateline: Surprise, AZ United States
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