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For Tina Payne, Selflessly Healing & Guiding Those in Pain or Needing Advice in Life & Business, is Part of Life Since Childhood
Tina Payne, Ultra Intuitive Business Coach Tina Payne, Ultra Intuitive Business Coach
Hollywood, CA
Saturday, November 3, 2018

Tina Payne, Ultra Intuitive Business Coach, Life Coach, Spiritual Master & Healer

Throughout history there have people with gifts of healing that defy explanation and go beyond the realm of being readily understood. As a child Tina Payne, Spiritual Master, Ultra Intuitive Business and Life Coach, felt these gifts and they grew stronger over time. Tina had the ability to sense and know the manner in which people needed to be assisted on their road to recover from emotional trauma or finding a path to success in relationships, business and more.

Tina Payne, raised in religious family in Southern California, masked her gifts as a youngster in order to fit with other children, however, it was readily apparent to her father what was going on with his daughter. He knew without having to be told and accepted it as part of who and what Tina is and would be all her life. Through speeches, seminars, one-on-one coaching, online broadcasts, books and articles Tina Payne brings comfort, faith, healing and direction to people around the world.

But that is only part of the story, her business acumen and success, when combined with her spiritual gifts, allows her intuitive insight to guide people starting or running existing businesses, marketing their products and more. Tina Payne's calm knowing that her advice comes from a higher power is vital as those taking her advice see and feel her power and love.

One must experience Tina Payne to fully know who truly special she is!

Here are two videos of Tina Payne in action and below are two of her Facebook Live Broadcasts:

Tina Payne Speaker with Hugh Hilton - Critical Thinking - The Energy of Words - New York, 2018

Tina Payne Speaking at Jtfoxx Mega Success 2017 

Go to Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TinaPayneSpiritualMaster to become part of Tina's World.

Finding your True Purpose in Life

Trueself -Finding Yourself! Honesty with your Purpose!

About Tina Payne:

Tina Payne has been a proven intuitive as a coach which has brought her to a place where her primary focus and desire is to bring success, purpose, healing and joy to as many as possible. Blessed with natural gifts of insight as an ultra intuitive business woman with the ability to heal others. Besides success in business and real estate, Tina's journey through life up to now has had some setbacks. Her rebirth has created a mission to deliver messages of hope, clarity, grace and love directly to those seeking a guiding hand in a world fraught with wandering souls filled with pain.

Raised in a highly-accomplished and religious family in Southern California, Tina Payne's spiritual insight and healing abilities showed early in life by the age of four. She kept these abilities hidden in an effort to fit in with others after six grade. Tina began modeling at the age of 12 and competed in various athletic pursuits, all the while surrounded by famous friends and celebrities. Raised as a socialite in an affluent family, she had no fear due to her father's influence and guidance. Her belief system never changed through the influence of negative situations. Tina's inclination to help others in a manner that revealed an inherent belief that people's good nature would readily show itself in the right circumstances never left her.

Tina's life has been filled with lessons from heartbreak, hard work, being successful through all difficulties and identity. She still kept her spiritual identity grounded in faith and the knowledge that such trials through tribulations were part of a larger purpose in life. With a selfless nature in an inherent belief  in the best in everyone was a gift as well as a burden and a job she felt from God. However, when the darkness descends is when the light is most required and Tina Payne never stopped believing in the light or wavered from those childhood messages. Tina's spiritual gifts were always profound and purposeful growing up they revealed themselves all the time.

Now, through her corporation Angel Planet, Tina Payne is bringing her gifts to many others in the form of seminars, one-on-one coaching, books, articles, blogs, speaking engagements, interviews, live online broadcasts and is igniting social media. Focusing on business, Relationships, mental health, physical and spiritual health and physics. She brings her knowledge, wisdom, experience and gifts so that people might realize their full potential in every aspect of their lives. Emphasizing that loving oneself and others with an open heart is fostering a belief in an un-bounded human potential. Tina taps into her own deep well of spiritual energy and perceptions in the service of those seeking help.

Her understanding and teaching has created a new world way of thinking as a personal spiritual master and teacher. She has spoke in front of large audiences providing a balance of grounded spiritual identity in business and life. Exposing the abilities of human nature never shown before. Tina Payne works to help people find their true self and reminds us all of our eternal memories....

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Name: Michael Joseph Butler
Dateline: Marina Del Rey, CA United States
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