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For the first time--multiple Live Shabbat Services 'Shulcast' from one location
Rabbi Yitzhak Miller - Spirituality Religion Theology Judaism Rabbi Yitzhak Miller - Spirituality Religion Theology Judaism
Santa Cruz, CA
Sunday, September 13, 2009

CyberJudaism Logo
CyberJudaism.org Successfully "ShulCasts"

from New York, Los Angeles, Birmingham, and Cincinnati

all on one Shabbat

Multiple synagogue services now available on line all in one location


Executive Director

Rabbi Yitzhak Miler



PR/Outreach Director

Nina Amir


For the first time, at the click of a mouse, users were able to tune into Shabbat services from 4 different locations, all at the same website this past Shabbat.

CyberJudaism.org's ShulCasting service is live and functioning—with services in 3 different time zones—available to anyone this High Holy Days who is unable to physically be present for a synagogue service.

(Santa Cruz, CA) September 13, 2009

On this just-completed Shabbat, CyberJudaism's Spiritual Center successfully "shulcasted" services from multiple locations and multiple denominations allowing people not able to physically attend a synagogue be present with a Jewish community to celebrate Shabbat.

ShulCasting members Temple Judea of Tarzana, CA and Central Synagogue of New York, plus links to Temple Emanu-El of Birmingham AL and OurJewishCommunity.org of Cincinnati Ohio gave those seeking Jewish connection access to Sabbath services Friday evening and Saturday morning.

Congregation Shirat Hayam of Swampscott, MA has also indicated that they expect to be members of CyberJudaism.org and to be shulcasting by this Friday's Rosh Hashana evening service. A conservative synagogue, Shirat Hayam would add a 3rd Jewish denomination to CyberJudaism's offerings.

Two Renewal synagogues are also in the process of establishing shulcasting capability with the hopes of being able to shulcast their High Holy Day services this year.

CyberJudaism's Shulcasting service will continue to expand with the intention of

• offering multiple Shabbat worship opportunities every week and:

• offering a minyan every hour on the hour around the world during the week.

About CyberJudaism.org- Where the Jewish World Comes Together -

CyberJudaism.org will utilize the best tools of the 21st Century to link the best of mainstream Judaism with more people, in more places, more often, more easily, more efficiently and more effectively than any previous method of fostering connections to Judaism.

CyberJudaism.org is a 501(c)3 Charitable Organization under the Auspices of the Jewish Federation of Silicon Valley

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Name: Rabbi Yitzhak Miller
Title: Rabbi
Group: RabbiYitzhakMiller.org
Dateline: Santa Cruz, CA United States
Direct Phone: 831-594-9489
Cell Phone: 831-594-9489
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