Tuesday, June 19, 2012
JASON R. HANSON (703) 901-1980
Actor Russell Brand has found a new love for shooting. But a former CIA Officer who does firearms training for celebrities warns Mr. Brand to follow three simple, yet important tips when it comes to firearms.
The Former CIA Officer is Jason R. Hanson, who is the author of The Covert Guide to Concealed Carry: Confessions of a Former CIA Officer.
First Mr. Hanson says, "Celebrities need to remember to carry their guns in the holster at all times. We all remember what happened to football star Plaxico Burress. A gun that's being carried without a holster is a recipe for disaster."
Next, Mr. Hanson says, "When they're at home they need to have the gun locked up in a fast opening safe. It shouldn't be lying around, but it also shouldn't be in a safe that takes five minutes to open. They need to be able to access the gun in two seconds in the event of a home invasion and they shouldn't always rely on their personal security for protection."
And lastly, "This isn't exactly a tip, but take another celebrity shooting. Many people I work with are terrified of guns at the start of the day, but by the end of the day they realize what an enjoying and relaxing experience that shooting can be."
For more information, and an entertaining and informative interview, call Jason R. Hanson at (703) 901-1980 or you can visit his website at www.ConcealedCarryAcademy.com.