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Free ChatGPT4 News System introduced by Press Release Wire.
ExpertClick's Press Release Wire ExpertClick's Press Release Wire
Greensboro, NC
Sunday, December 24, 2023

Press Release Wire Introduces Revolutionary Free ChatGPT4 News System


Contact: Mitchell P. Davis, Call or Text to (202) 333-5000 or email to: Mitchell.Davis@ExpertClick.om

Date: December 24, 2023

Press Release Wire Introduces Revolutionary Free ChatGPT4 News System

"The Future of News Release Creation: AI-Powered, Accessible, and Free"

As reported by The Wall Street Journal on December 23, 2023, an innovative concept has been introduced by an Brazilian Councilman suggesting the replacement of politicians with computers – and he suggested "news release writers should go, too"

In line with this futuristic vision, Press Release Wire proudly announces the launch of its Free ChatGPT4 News System - a platform that transforms how news releases are created and distributed.

A New Era of AI-Driven Press Releases: Press Release Wire's new system offers everyone the ability to instantly compose and disseminate news releases, complete with an image, entirely for free. These releases can be shared across social media platforms with a shareable link provided immediately upon creation.

Broad Distribution and Accessibility: Leveraging the power of AI and our team of expert prompt writers, Press Release Wire ensures widespread distribution of your news. Our service includes pushing your content through ten different channels, including Google News and LexisNexis.

Features of the Free ChatGPT4 News System:

  • ExpertClick Press Room: Users can complete a comprehensive press room with text bios, images, and links to their websites.
  • InterviewClick Feature: Engage with journalists through InterviewClick, where your responses and the journalist's questions and your answers will be posted directly to your press room.
  • Professional ChatGPT4 Writing Services: Receive professionally written news releases, and articles suitable for distribution on platforms like Globe Newswire and NewsUSA, created by our editors using our propriety prompts.

Free Now, Free Forever: All these features are available at no cost. Additionally, for those seeking more, Press Release Wire offers an upgrade to a paid membership starting at $28 a month. This membership includes the ability to send more news releases, inclusion of your profile on the ExpertClick website, and a spot in the printed 2024 Yearbook of Experts, Authorities & Spokespersons. The 2023 Yearbook can be viewed at www.ExpertBook.com or purchased from Amazon.

Take Action Today: Don't miss this opportunity to step into the future of news release creation. Visit Press Release Wire now to create your first AI-powered news release and share it with the world.

You can take action and send your first news release here: Send Your Press Release Now -- Click Here

News Media Interview Contact
Name: Mitchell P. Davis
Group: Broadcast Interview Source, Inc.
Dateline: Greensboro, NC United States
Direct Phone: 202-333-5000
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