Home > NewsRelease > Free Local Chapter Associations Membership Policy for ExpertClick:
Free Local Chapter Associations Membership Policy for ExpertClick:
Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com Mitchell P. Davis -- Editor and Publisher of www.ExpertClick.com
Washington, DC
Tuesday, March 21, 2023


Free Local Chapter Associations Membership Policy for ExpertClick:

This memo is for associations that ExpertClick has already partnered with us:

  1.  They would already have an active press room like IMCUSA does.
  2.  Are part of the ExpertClick creator fund where they earn affiliate lifetime royalty.
  3. …and they currently show us as an affiliate partner of theirs that their members can see, as IMCUSA does at this page:  https://www.imcusa.org/affiliate-directory and

Association partners can have additional membership accounts for their chapters free of charge when:

The chapter account is managed by a current paid ExpertClick member.  (this simplifies our training and onboarding, by ensuring the page manager know how to use ExpertClick.)

The account is used for chapter news, including notices of events, contests, new members, member life changes, and other news that is chapter related.

The account is not to be used to promote individual members whose content is best served by having their own account.

This rule of use is stated in our terms and conditions as "the rule of use for others."

Your account is like a membership in a private club. You may come to the club almost whenever you want, but you may not invite guests to visit when you are not with them.

News Release Wire depends on journalists having a clear relationship between the news release and linked profile. When they see the news release, they can click to see more information at the profile. They can also click to see all the news releases about that group from a link at that group's ExpertClick press room.

All profiles with active releases have a link to active news releases. If we allowed you to post news releases for unrelated groups or a long list of products as if you were in the grocery business, it would appear to journalists those news releases were associated with your group -- something that could create confusion and embarrassment.  We call this the "Dentist & Podiatriast Problem."

All news releases must pass a test of featuring the "Participant" of the sponsoring group as the protagonist. The "Participant" is either the individual or organization the listing has been placed for, not the Subscriber or the Contact for the listing. However, the definition "in ancient Greek drama, the first actor to engage in dialog with the chorus is the protagonist definition" also works well. So if the event your news release is about something the Participant is doing, a new product, a joint venture, a new book, etc, that's fine. It is just that the Participant needs to be stated first, for that is who needs to be shown to be the protagonist in this drama you are creating as a news release.

All news releases must be about the Participant as shown in the profile. The system is set up on a client-specific basis. If you want to send news releases about different people or multiple clients, you must have different accounts. We can arrange discounts for multiple accounts.

All profiles have three sections:

The Participant is whom the listing is about.

The Contact is whom the news media should contact. (Participant and Contact Information is published and shown on the web.)

The Subscriber is who is in charge of the listing and whom we correspond with. (This information is not published or shown on the web.)

Chapters may also join our affiliate program where they earn a $100 referral fee, and their members can join with a 15% discount.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Mitchell P. Davis
Title: Editor
Group: Broadcast Interview Source, Inc.
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Main Phone: 202-333-5000
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