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Free Report Shows Boomers 5 Things to Do Right Now to Secure Their Future
ReadySetBOOM.com   America's No.1 Local Business Growth Accelerator ReadySetBOOM.com America's No.1 Local Business Growth Accelerator
Stamford, CT
Thursday, February 5, 2009


Stamford, Conn?February 5, 2009?The economic meltdown of 2008 left millions of Baby Boomers with merely the skeletal remains of once healthy retirement nest eggs. These boomers are now in a panic about the state of their retirement savings. In response to this crisis, Richard Roll, Founder and CEO of the Baby Boomers Retirement Club (BBRC), has issued a FREE report entitled ?5 Things to Do NOW, Before Things Get Much Worse!?

?This report will help every American over age 40 start to take action to improve their own future security in light of the current challenging circumstances,? said Roll.

The special Free Report highlights steps Baby Boomers should take including:

? Investigating all your 401(k) options

? Safeguarding your health

? Debt-Reduction plans

? Assessing the importance of long-term care insurance

? Maximizing benefits from IRAs and Roth IRAs

?There are many steps that Boomers can take now to improve their security without increasing their risk, before things get worse,? Roll said.

This Special Report can be downloaded free at www.5ThingstoDoNow.com. It is one of the leadership initiatives the Baby Boomers Retirement Club (BBRC) and Roll are taking to help Boomers overcome all the challenges they are currently facing.

About the Baby Boomers Retirement Club (BBRC)

The Baby Boomers Retirement Club (BBRC) is focused on getting Baby Boomers started in planning and living a successful and satisfying future path of life. All Boomers are eligible to register for free basic membership in the BBRC at www.mybbrc.com, which includes money-saving benefits and a private, personalized 10-Minute Retirement Quiz. BBRC provides exclusive, hand-picked services, advice and "use today" travel, lifestyle, health, and financial benefits to give Baby Boomers a greater sense of well-being and control than most others in their situation.

Starting with a patent-pending, interactive "10-Minute Retirement Quiz,? members ask and answer the key financial, family, and lifestyle planning questions all Boomers currently face. In just 10 minutes they have a personalized learning center that gives them just the answers they need, when they need them. Based in Stamford, Connecticut, the BBRC membership is provided directly to consumers online, as well as on a group basis through selected organizations, employers, and financial institutions.


Barbara Fickett ( bfickett@mybbrc.com)

One Stamford Plaza--9th Floor

Stamford, CT 06901

Phone: 203-912-7715

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Richard Roll
Title: Chairman
Group: Baby Boomers Retirement Network
Dateline: Southport, CT United States
Direct Phone: 203-253-7077
Main Phone: 203-253-7077
Cell Phone: 203-253-7077
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