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Free Webinar On New, Innovative Business Model
Dr. Howard Rasheed -- Idea Accelerator Technologies Dr. Howard Rasheed -- Idea Accelerator Technologies
Wilmington, NC
Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Dr. Rasheed Will Lecture On How to Use the L3C Business Model to Develop Sustainable Communities

Howard Rasheed, PhD, CEO and founder of the Institute of Innovation, will conduct a webinar on how to use the L3C business model to develop sustainable communities on Thursday, May 19, 2011 at 10 am. This webinar is free and co-sponsored by the Center for Fair Housing, the IBIS CDC, and the Escambia-Pensacola Human Relations Commission.

The webinar will focus on the "low-profit" limited liability company, also known as the L3C, and its applications to community development. This hybrid business model combines for-profit strategies with non-profit missions and enables the organization to attract diverse investments that have not been previously available to non-profits or for-profits. The webinar will introduce this business model, the advantages and disadvantages of utilizing it, how the L3C facilitates program-related investments, and capital structure, as well as focus on various private, social, and public business models for L3C organizations. The webinar will conclude with case studies on applications of the L3C business model.

Dr. Rasheed is renowned both nationally and internationally as the Innovation Strategist. He has stood on the front line of innovation by founding the Institute for Innovation and developing his patent-pending ideation and brainstorming software, Idea Accelerator TM. Dr. Rasheed has co-authored a new book, Yes You Can: Reaching Your Potential While Achieving Greatness and has an upcoming release in Fall 2011 entitled the Innovation Renaissance: 7 Strategies for Winning the Future. Rasheed's most recent work include facilitating planning sessions with the Management Center for Strategic Studies, a government entity in the Ministry of Science and Technology in Brazil and will participate in Peru's upcoming National Innovation Week on May 23 – May 27, 2011.

For more information about the webinar, visit www.idea-act.com or contact Dr. Rasheed at hrasheed@ec.rr.com.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Dr. Howard Rasheed
Group: Institute for Innovation, Inc.
Dateline: Wilmington, NC United States
Direct Phone: 877-789-8899
Main Phone: 877-789-8899
Cell Phone: (910) 431-1233
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