On March 18, 2022, The Washington Opera Society (WOS) will mount a production of famed French composer Charles Gounod's captivating opera, Faust, at the Embassy of France. This enduring work is perhaps the most popular of the many versions of Goethe's tale of a man's tragic bargain with the devil. The performance will feature both world class and exciting emerging singers. Guests will be treated to a lovely buffet dinner and open wine and beverage bar presented by the embassy's exclusive caterer, LaBonne DC, prior to the performance.
Metropolitan Opera star baritone, Kevin Short will portray the cunning and powerful Mephistopheles (the devil) and acclaimed New York City Opera soprano Kristin Sampson will personify the hapless Marguerite. A local favorite, rising superstar tenor Michael Butler, will bring to life the tragic Dr. Faust. The superb cast will be rounded out by Collin Power as Valentin, Esther Atkinson as Siebel, Anamer Castrello as Marthe and Alex Alburquerque as Wagner.
WOS General and Artistic Director Julien Benichou, well known to local and international audiences as a conductor, will be conducting. As a special treat, actress and screenwriter Meghan McCall will present a brand new narration she created about the story of this fascinating opera and a debate between the devil's advocate and the advocate for Faust that will be part of the evening's entertainment. See an Introduction to Faust by Meghan McCall on WOS YouTube Channel Guests will also have an opportunity to participate in a silent auction.
The following COVID related restrictions will apply. All guests must present proof of being fully vaccinated (original document or photograph) to gain admission. Masks covering nose and mouth must be worn at all times except while eating or drinking.
Embassy of France, 4101 Reservoir Road, NW, Washington, DC 20007.
Doors open 6:00 p.m. Silent Auction begins 6:00 p.m. Open wine and beverage bar 6:15-7:15 p.m. Dinner 7:00 p.m. Performance 8:15 p.m.
Tickets at $50 (limited number with no dinner); $150; $250.
For tickets:
The Washington Opera Society, a 501(c)(3) tax exempt non-profit organization, presents operatic productions with orchestras at embassies, ambassadorial residences and other intimate venues that provide its audiences with an opportunity to enjoy its artists in a unique, approachable setting in the Washington, DC area. Its performances feature world renowned as well as emerging singers, orchestras and choruses and it presents both familiar and lesser-known works by great composers.
Honorary Board Chair: Indira Gumarova. Board members include: President Alexandra N. Sényi, Vice President Cary Pollak, Treasurer Jiajun Ye, MBA, CPA, Secretary Rafael A. Prieto, and Directors Barbara Bennett, Peter M. Crawford, Hon. Daniel L. Glaser and Doria Kaplan.
For further information: Check or send questions to
Press Contact: Jan Du Plain (202) 486-7004