Jan McInnis, renowned comedian and motivational speaker, joins Joan Posivy, bestselling author and host of the Side Hustle Hero™ podcast, for an engaging and enlightening episode that explores the unconventional path to success through humor.
Side Hustle Hero™ is the go-to podcast for anyone aspiring to create an additional source of income while gaining the courage, confidence, and determination required to thrive. The show features seasoned side hustle heroes who share their experiences and insights, paving the way for listeners to take action and achieve greater profits.
In this week's episode, Jan McInnis, with her unique blend of humor and wisdom, sheds light on the remarkable journey of transforming laughter into a lucrative side hustle. She began her journey as a stand-up comic, and over the years, she has diversified her comedic offerings to include comedy writing and keynote speaking. Her credits range from contributing material to The Tonight Show monologues and numerous radio stations to greeting cards and syndicated cartoon strips. Moreover, she excels in the corporate world, delivering keynote presentations that inspire and entertain.
Listeners of the Side Hustle Hero™ podcast will have the opportunity to delve into Jan's extensive experience, learning how to leverage their own humor to create additional income streams. During the episode, Jan will discuss various avenues for making money through comedy, reveal insider tips on where to find these gigs, and share valuable advice for aspiring comedians and humorists.
The episode also delves into how to stand out in the competitive world of comedy, featuring anecdotes and tips from Jan's illustrious career. Jan will reflect on her journey, offering her younger self and budding comedians indispensable advice on starting and succeeding in the world of humor.
Don't miss this captivating episode of Side Hustle Hero™ featuring Jan McInnis, the side hustle hero who turned laughter into a lucrative venture. Tune in to discover how humor can lead to success and how to create a memorable and profitable side hustle.
The Side Hustle Hero™ podcast can be found on popular podcast platforms. Get ready to be inspired, informed, and entertained as Jan McInnis shares her incredible journey and valuable insights with listeners.
For more information about Jan McInnis, please visit TheWorkLady.com
For this episode of the Side Hustle Hero Podcast, please visit https://www.sidehustlehero.com/70-ways-to-make-money-by-being-funny-with-jan-mcinnis/
Jan McInnis
Keynote Speaker, Comedian, and Master of Ceremonies
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