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GDPR Quiz ? -- Not Really -- This is a Quiz About the Quizes :) :) :)
The Privacy Rights Council The Privacy Rights Council
Washington, DC
Saturday, September 30, 2017

GDPR Quiz ?
-- Not Really
-- This is a Quiz About the Quizes

So I registered the domain: www.GDPRQuiz.com for I thought it would be a real cool iteractive thing to have a quiz people could take with us,

But after surfing around the last thing people needed was still another quiz, but what the really neede was a "Quiz about GDPR Quizes"  --  So I found a bunch of them and tweeted about them.  Do follow me at www.Twitter.com/RightsCouncil to see all the other cool things I've found.

You can learn lots just by taking the tests for all provide feedback.

By far the most humorus was this one from Brian Tretick:


The most comprensive was from Advanced Metadata -- that asks like 50 questions then gives you a PDF and Powerpoint reports with score, risk factors and potential fines download you can share with your team -- and the best part of it is can assign your team to each take the test and then compare the results.


....and here's the rest of them:

https://www.nymity.com/gdpr-toolkit.aspx   --- this really good downloadable tools








This Microsoft one is a must do:  https://www.gdprbenchmark.com/

So take them all.  You'll learn lots.

All let me know which ones you like with a quick email to me at:  Founder@RightsCouncil.org

....and do follow me at:  www.Twitter.com/RightsCouncil

---Mitchell Davis, Founder, The Privacy Rights Council 

Washington, DC  (202) 333-5000

London, UK:  + 44 203 3188888 


Mission Statement:

The problem is privacy standards in the USA are broken and out of date.

We advocate worldwide standards -- like the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that will be legally required on May 25, 2018 -- it will affect most internet sites that are available in the UK and Europe. 

Our impact is better policy to serve the interests of all intenet users, our members and sponsors.

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Name: Mitchell Davis
Group: Privacy Rights Council
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Direct Phone: 202-333-5000
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