Home > NewsRelease > GOOGLE CEO Forfeited Constructive Diversity Dialogue
GOOGLE CEO Forfeited Constructive Diversity Dialogue
Carolyn A. Cook -- United 4 Equality, LLC Carolyn A. Cook -- United 4 Equality, LLC
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Washington, DC
Tuesday, August 8, 2017


An open letter to Google CEO on Gender Stereotype Firing. For full article on circumstances, click here

James Damore had the courage to say what was on his mind and own it. For that he's more honest than most men who think it, act it and don't say it. His speaking up may have broken rules of conduct and for that probation or disciplinary action was warranted. However, his memo also provided an opportunity for constructive dialogue within the tech company and industry to happen.

America is in complete and utter denial of the ubiquitousness of sexism and misogyny! Look no further than Election 2016 and the media's heightened scrutiny of of Hillary Clinton and free pass to Donald Trump.

Mr. Damore's opinion was not an isolated mindset exclusive to young conservative men.

Consider what might have happened if instead of being fired, he was asked to elaborate on his memo in a mediated Town Hall dialogue with some of the women he offended. Ground rules would be set at the outset. An honest and open discussion could have been eye opening for Google employees (and the rest of us onlookers) from all sides.

It was a missed opportunity to address the larger centuries old civil war between men and women to co-exist peacefully and respectfully (within and among all races) that needs to happen now.

For someone as young as Mr. Damore to air his grievances publicly BUT then also to listen to women's responses and experiences would have been groundbreaking conversation around the world.

Women's experiences and suffering are never expressed in mainstream media. Women are far more than robots, sex kittens, victims or evil feminists.

In the end, maybe it wouldn't have changed his mind immediately, but he'd have had more respect for how the alleged liberal Google's elite handled him AND more importantly, more information to consider as he goes on through life and encounters more women in his path.

If he had kept his job, he likely would have endured the scorn and ostracism of some of his coworkers. Ongoing public shame is tough for anyone. No doubt a public expression of the diversity of opinions within the google ranks would have been far more productive and demonstrative of Google's diversity commitment than handing him the grounds for a lawsuit.


United 4 Equality, LLC is a women-owned public policy and work/life strategies company based in Washington, DC striving to implement a National Work/Life Agenda by establishing equality for women as the Law of the Land.

Declaring equal rights for women in society will serve as the catalyst for government, businesses and ngos to forge a National Work/Life Agenda that redesigns policies and practices to accomodate the myriad roles men and women fulfill as costewards of America's future. 

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Name: Carolyn A. Cook
Title: CEO, Founder
Group: United 4 Equality, LLC
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Direct Phone: 202-309-1963
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