Home > NewsRelease > Geela Parish, The Dog Lady & Cutie, The Lion Dog Her Journey … From Hollywood glamour to a passionate advocacy
Geela Parish, The Dog Lady & Cutie, The Lion Dog Her Journey … From Hollywood glamour to a passionate advocacy
Geela Parish Geela Parish
Westlake Village, CA
Friday, May 17, 2013

Geela Parish, The Dog Lady & Cutie, The Lion Dog

Her Journey …

From Hollywood glamour to a passionate advocacy

Geela Parish is an award-winning artist, bestselling author and radio show host turned passionate activist. For many years she's been working tirelessly donating her time, talents and her own financial resources to help support such human causes as education, nonviolence, environmental issues and women empowerment, as well as such animal causes as rescued animals through her nonprofit organization One Spirit, One World in a collaborative effort with like-minded celebrities and community leaders.

While her love for animals started at an early age, Geela Parish began her career as an award-winning international singer/songwriter, whose music has been recorded by such top recording artists as multiple Grammy award winner Pattie La Belle.

Her long and illustrious musical career, which started at the age of 12, includes the release of many critically-acclaimed albums in different languages, music videos, achievement awards, soundtracks for movies and television shows, media appearances, starring in the hit DVD 'How to Know God' with Deepak Chopra, world tours sharing the stage with such top recording artists as Dolly Parton, and rave reviews by the media and world-renowned personalities alike. She was one of the very few people who were invited as a guest of honor to a historic Peace Summit in Rome where her unity song For the Love of God was performed for the Pope and heads of states.

During her blossoming musical career the media hailed her as "The Healing Goddess of Pop," for her unique socially-conscious and inspirational music, but nowadays she is simply known as The Dog Lady and a great eco-warrior for her unmatched passion and dedication for advocating for animal and human causes.

The turning point in her life was a near-death experience as a direct result of a horrific car crash which she barely survived. Because of this life-transforming event Geela became a totally changed person. As a result she began having divine revelations and started gaining unusual abilities ranging from psychic and healing to composing music without the benefit of playing any musical instruments.

It was only then that she discovered her true calling – to use her many talents and influence to become a force for good. Accordingly, she gave up a promising music career in order to dedicate her life to advocating for the underdogs of society.

But it was after she rescued a small puppy abandoned in a trash bin from being destined to a "death sentence," that a new passion was ignited. "This little dog helped me see the world with new eyes and made me become aware of the growing need for helping to promote the welfare of dogs and all of animals," says Parish.

Geela's advocacy efforts, which include national awareness campaigns, are now led by her one-of-a-kind dog partner who is simply known as Cutie, The Lion Dog because he resembles a lion. Hailed as a 'Fundraising Champion' by the local media, Cutie is always eager to use his celebrity status to be a voice for the voiceless and the vulnerable as he shares his incredibly inspiring story of going from underdog to top dog.

Besides his rare striking looks, talents and winning personality, Cutie, The Lion Dog is the first dog ever to host his own reality TV show "Touched by a Four-Legged Angel" which celebrates the special bond between people and dogs as it advocates for dogs. He is also the first to publish his own book entitled "From a Ruff Life to a Pawfect Life."

The book, which contains refreshing dog-inspired wisdom, reveals the ultimate secret to getting a new leash on life even if your life is no walk in the park with a portion of the proceeds benefiting animals. According to Cutie,"When life throws you a bone, why not make it whatever you want?"

Together Geela, The Dog Lady & Cutie, The Lion Dog are a powerhouse of information, inspiration and entertainment. Everything they do is driven by their unmatched passion for making a difference as they help as many people as possible to master the art of the 'pawssible' so they can live an uncomplicated life with real joy and fulfillment. In fact, they live for making a 'pawsitive' impact as they inspire love of dogs while advocating for all animals.

For additional inspiring and fun information including dazzling pictures and a compelling video clip of an unusual emotional reunion with Cutie, The Lion Dog please visit www.cutietheliondog.com.

To schedule an interview and/or book a speaking engagement please call (818) 597-0574 or send an email to globavision@aol.com


"Geela's journey is a testament to how the human spirit can triumph over adversity with courage and unshakable faith. Geela's Principles for Successful Living TM are uplifting and should be savored by anyone who wishes to experience a richer, fuller life."

- Mark Victor Hansen, Co-creator, #1 New York Times best-selling series Chicken Soup For The Soul

"The American Dream is both fascinating and empowering. Geela's story is one of hope, and it encourages all of us to pursue our dreams regardless of the obstacles that stand in our path. I can see Geela's journey being made into an inspirational movie."

- Leane Vandeman, "It's A Miracle"/PAX Television

"The American Dream is a very heartwarming and inspiring story that should be read by all…"

- Michelle Antone, former producer of the Oprah Show and The Dr. Laura Show

"Certainly Geela is a very special and gifted artist who speaks so inspiringly to the ever wider spiritual awakening of our times. I most assuredly think that Geela has the beguiling talent and inspirational message.... Geela may well reach the level of success of Deepak Chopra and Anthony Robbins."

- Jack Scovil of Scovil, Chichak, Galen Literary Agency

"Geela's music is truly special, inspirational and timely. ASCAP is very proud to have such a unique artist as its member. I sincerely hope Geela shares her message of hope with the rest of the world as well."

- Todd Brabec, Executive Director ASCAP

"Geela's The Veil of Life is like a magic carpet ride around the world, celebrating the human spirit in the realm of infinite possibilities."

- Deepak Chopra, best-selling author

"Geela is a rare combination of brilliant, polished professional excellence coupled with heartfelt, spiritually inspired music and lyrics. She creates and writes from the heart and sings from the soul! She's just what we need to take us higher at the dawning of the new Millennium!"

- Jill Lawrence, Radio Host Wisdom Radio Network

"When you combine such intriguing elements such as miracles, spiritual values, self-help and philosophy, you get an inspirational book called The American Dream."

– Cuba Gooding Sr.

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Name: Geela Parish
Title: Founder
Group: Global Vision Media
Dateline: Westlake Village, CA United States
Direct Phone: 818-597-0574
Main Phone: (818) 851-9958
Cell Phone: (818) 274-2354
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