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Get Publicity, Get More Clients
Dan Janal -- Book Coach Dan Janal -- Book Coach
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Minneapolis, MN
Tuesday, June 23, 2020


If you’re like most consultants, the biggest problem you have when talking to new clients is to answer the question, “Why should I hire you instead of Katherine?”

And if you are like most consultants, you’ll point to your college degrees and rattle off the names of your clients.

The trouble is, most consultants can match you stride for stride, name for name.

So what can make you stand out?

The media.

When you are quoted in the media, you stand out from any competitor who hasn’t been on TV or quoted in the newspapers or magazines.

When people see your name in the media they think you are a star, a celebrity or just plain someone they can trust.

That kind of branding from the media is invaluable in creating your own brand and making you stand out from your competitors.

Getting quoted in the media is the first step.

Once you’ve been quoted, you have to take the second step, which is to use that media as a marketing piece.

You see, it isn’t enough that you’ve been quoted.

You can’t be assured that your prospects have seen the article.

After all, do you read every article in every newspaper you subscribe to?

Neither do your prospects.

It is up to you to send that article to all your clients, prospects, and former clients so you can build your business.

That’s an essential publicity tactic.

This free publicity tip also helps improve your branding and image.

You can send them the hard copy printout of the article via mail.

Or you can get an electronic version from the Internet and email it to your list.

In either case, this publicity tactic is a great way to stay in touch with the people who are in a position to hire you.

The truth about marketing is that you must stay in touch with your prospects.

You can’t rely on them to remember that you are still in business.

You need to be in front of them when they are ready to buy.

Sending your media clips to them performs that function.

Usually, media articles contain information that helps the reader.

When you send an article to a prospect, you are sharing that information that can help them solve a problem or make more money.

And the fact that you are the one who is quoted is a double plus in their eyes.

Be sure to personalize this so you really make an impact.

Include a short note saying, “I thought you’d like to see this.”

Or “This reminded me of our conversation a while back.”

Or something else that is meaningful and true.

If you follow this process, you will become one of the most respected names in your field – in the minds of your prospects.

The first step is to help you meet some reporters who can get you this exposure.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Dan Janal
Title: Book Coach, Developmental Editor, and Ghostwriter
Dateline: Excelsior, MN United States
Direct Phone: 952-380-9844
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