Home > NewsRelease > Get SpeakerTunity
Get SpeakerTunity
Jackie Lapin  -- Conscious Media Relations Jackie Lapin -- Conscious Media Relations
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Westlake Village, CA
Thursday, November 18, 2021

Get SpeakerTunityhttps://speakertunity.comFind your next Speaking Opportunity with SpeakerTunityTue, 19 Oct 2021 19:29:40 +0000en-UShourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.2https://speakertunity.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Mic_blue_500x500-65x65.pngGet SpeakerTunityhttps://speakertunity.com3232Get Booked, Public Speaker! – Tips From A to Z | Tip Zhttps://speakertunity.com/get-booked-public-speaker-tips-from-a-to-z-tip-z/https://speakertunity.com/get-booked-public-speaker-tips-from-a-to-z-tip-z/#respondSat, 09 Oct 2021 05:00:00 +0000https://speakertunity.com/?p=7928

Tip Z 

So I’ve filled up the SpeakerTunity® You Tube Channel with tons of useful content for speakers, leaders and authors seeking to use speaking as a way to attract clients–and to get booked for those gigs.. Yet, I still have more tips for you! So we’re going to cover them from A to Z, short tips which pack a big wallop!

Today’s Tip is …..

Z is for Zoom. This web conferencing tool has become ubiquitous in the business world. And for a speaker, it’s an added way to get a booker to feel comfortable with you. If you’ve got interest, suggest a Zoom meeting rather than a phone meeting. This will enable that wonderful face-to-face chemistry to develop with the booker. Way more magic can happen when you see each other!   

So this one in a series of 26, presented by SpeakerTunity Cities Regional Speaker Lead Directories. If you like this tip, please subscribe to the SpeakerTunity® You Tube Channel so you can get the other 25, and see all of the more extended segments we’ve posted to help you get booked locally and across North America.

]]>https://speakertunity.com/get-booked-public-speaker-tips-from-a-to-z-tip-z/feed/0Get Booked, Public Speaker! – Tips From A to Z | Tip Yhttps://speakertunity.com/get-booked-public-speaker-tips-from-a-to-z-tip-y/https://speakertunity.com/get-booked-public-speaker-tips-from-a-to-z-tip-y/#respondSat, 02 Oct 2021 05:00:00 +0000https://speakertunity.com/?p=7924

Tip Y

So I’ve filled up the SpeakerTunity® You Tube Channel with tons of useful content for speakers, leaders and authors seeking to use speaking as a way to attract clients–and to get booked for those gigs.. Yet, I still have more tips for you! So we’re going to cover them from A to Z, short tips which pack a big wallop!

Today’s Tip is …..

Y is for Your Backup. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve either seen a speaker or was about to listen to a speaker who is standing there with a clicker for their PowerPoint that doesn’t work…or worse, the entire AV system is non-functional. Always come prepared. If you don’t have the chronology of your presentation committed to your memory, then bring a printout of the slides that you can use as a backup. Don’t get caught standing there fumbling for what you have to cover. Be covered with your backup notes!   

So this one in a series of 26, presented by SpeakerTunity Cities Regional Speaker Lead Directories. If you like this tip, please subscribe to the SpeakerTunity® You Tube Channel so you can get the other 25, and see all of the more extended segments we’ve posted to help you get booked locally and across North America.

]]>https://speakertunity.com/get-booked-public-speaker-tips-from-a-to-z-tip-y/feed/0Get Booked, Public Speaker! – Tips From A to Z | Tip Xhttps://speakertunity.com/get-booked-public-speaker-tips-from-a-to-z-tip-x/https://speakertunity.com/get-booked-public-speaker-tips-from-a-to-z-tip-x/#respondSat, 25 Sep 2021 05:00:00 +0000https://speakertunity.com/?p=7920

Tip X

So I’ve filled up the SpeakerTunity® You Tube Channel with tons of useful content for speakers, leaders and authors seeking to use speaking as a way to attract clients–and to get booked for those gigs.. Yet, I still have more tips for you! So we’re going to cover them from A to Z, short tips which pack a big wallop!

Today’s Tip is …..

X is for Exclusives and Extra. Well, we’re stretching here with an extra vowel! One way to really get a booker excited is to offer something exclusive—or tailored—to his or her audience. And this is, of course, going the EXTRA mile. So what can you do to make this special…special free offers never before provided, special tailored handouts or workbooks, small gifts for the audience members, free books. Extras make a big difference. Think about will make you stand out as Exceptional! 

So this one in a series of 26, presented by SpeakerTunity Cities Regional Speaker Lead Directories. If you like this tip, please subscribe to the SpeakerTunity® You Tube Channel so you can get the other 25, and see all of the more extended segments we’ve posted to help you get booked locally and across North America.

Get Booked, Public Speaker! – Tips From A to Z | Tip Whttps://speakertunity.com/get-booked-public-speaker-tips-from-a-to-z-tip-w/https://speakertunity.com/get-booked-public-speaker-tips-from-a-to-z-tip-w/#respondSat, 18 Sep 2021 05:00:00 +0000https://speakertunity.com/?p=7916

Tip W

So I’ve filled up the SpeakerTunity® You Tube Channel with tons of useful content for speakers, leaders and authors seeking to use speaking as a way to attract clients–and to get booked for those gigs.. Yet, I still have more tips for you! So we’re going to cover them from A to Z, short tips which pack a big wallop!

Today’s Tip is …..

W is for Workshop. Be prepared to offer a full 3-hour, half or full day workshop in the event that your presentation is so well received that your hosting organization wants more. Don’t wait to be quizzed about workshop availability and have to stammer and stutter thinking up an answer. Structure a series of workshops of varying sizes, along with the fee for you to provide them, just in case you may be asked for more…And of course, there is nothing to say that you can’t follow-up and suggest an additional workshop to the speaker booker once you’ve had a great success from his or her stage!   

So this one in a series of 26, presented by SpeakerTunity Cities Regional Speaker Lead Directories. If you like this tip, please subscribe to the SpeakerTunity® You Tube Channel so you can get the other 25, and see all of the more extended segments we’ve posted to help you get booked locally and across North America.

Get Booked, Public Speaker! – Tips From A to Z | Tip Vhttps://speakertunity.com/get-booked-public-speaker-tips-from-a-to-z-tip-v/https://speakertunity.com/get-booked-public-speaker-tips-from-a-to-z-tip-v/#respondSat, 11 Sep 2021 05:00:00 +0000https://speakertunity.com/?p=7912

Tip V

So I’ve filled up the SpeakerTunity® You Tube Channel with tons of useful content for speakers, leaders and authors seeking to use speaking as a way to attract clients–and to get booked for those gigs.. Yet, I still have more tips for you! So we’re going to cover them from A to Z, short tips which pack a big wallop!

Today’s Tip is …..

V is for Verbal Pitch. Now as for the content of your verbal followup phone call…sometimes you’ll be talking to a voicemail and sometimes to a real human being. Either way, you want to have your verbal presentation down so you can deliver it impactfully and concisely. So write it out first and then rehearse it. You can adapt as you go, but this should be as natural as your “elevator pitch” by the time you’ve got it embedded into your mind! And don’t be thrown off if you actually get a real live person…small talk and chit chat are great, even questions about what they want in a speaker, but then you’ll still need to get into the nitty gritty of your pitch. Be prepared, so you don’t stumble — and use the time wisely!

So this one in a series of 26, presented by SpeakerTunity Cities Regional Speaker Lead Directories. If you like this tip, please subscribe to the SpeakerTunity® You Tube Channel so you can get the other 25, and see all of the more extended segments we’ve posted to help you get booked locally and across North America.

Get Booked, Public Speaker! – Tips From A to Z | Tip Uhttps://speakertunity.com/get-booked-public-speaker-tips-from-a-to-z-tip-u/https://speakertunity.com/get-booked-public-speaker-tips-from-a-to-z-tip-u/#respondSat, 04 Sep 2021 05:00:00 +0000https://speakertunity.com/?p=7908

Tip U

So I’ve filled up the SpeakerTunity® You Tube Channel with tons of useful content for speakers, leaders and authors seeking to use speaking as a way to attract clients–and to get booked for those gigs.. Yet, I still have more tips for you! So we’re going to cover them from A to Z, short tips which pack a big wallop!

Today’s Tip is …..

U is for Uncork Your Enthusiastic Voice on the Phone. If you are trying to get booked for speaking, then the mostly deadly mistake you can make is to sound boring, monotone or uninteresting in your follow-up phone call. You need to let them hear just how compelling a speaker you would be on stage, by giving them a slight preview in your phone call –whether they pick it up on the voicemail or hear you in person.

So this one in a series of 26, presented by SpeakerTunity Cities Regional Speaker Lead Directories. If you like this tip, please subscribe to the SpeakerTunity® You Tube Channel so you can get the other 25, and see all of the more extended segments we’ve posted to help you get booked locally and across North America.

Get Booked, Public Speaker! – Tips From A to Z | Tip Thttps://speakertunity.com/get-booked-public-speaker-tips-from-a-to-z-tip-t/https://speakertunity.com/get-booked-public-speaker-tips-from-a-to-z-tip-t/#respondSat, 28 Aug 2021 05:00:00 +0000https://speakertunity.com/?p=7904

Tip T

So I’ve filled up the SpeakerTunity® You Tube Channel with tons of useful content for speakers, leaders and authors seeking to use speaking as a way to attract clients–and to get booked for those gigs.. Yet, I still have more tips for you! So we’re going to cover them from A to Z, short tips which pack a big wallop!

Today’s Tip is …..

T is for Testimonials. We’ve talked before about how important it is for you to get testimonials from people who have booked you to influence future bookers. However, did you know there are now services that can help you capture on-site video testimonials almost from the moment when you get off stage from both bookers and attendees? You can fill up your speaker website or webpage with tons of great testimonials. Our favorite is SoTellus.com. Using technology, you can make this a breeze and show what a dynamic speaker you are through the eyes of your audience!   

So this one in a series of 26, presented by SpeakerTunity Cities Regional Speaker Lead Directories. If you like this tip, please subscribe to the SpeakerTunity® You Tube Channel so you can get the other 25, and see all of the more extended segments we’ve posted to help you get booked locally and across North America.

Get Booked, Public Speaker! – Tips From A to Z | Tip Shttps://speakertunity.com/get-booked-public-speaker-tips-from-a-to-z-tip-s/https://speakertunity.com/get-booked-public-speaker-tips-from-a-to-z-tip-s/#respondSat, 21 Aug 2021 05:00:00 +0000https://speakertunity.com/?p=7900

Tip S

So I’ve filled up the SpeakerTunity® You Tube Channel with tons of useful content for speakers, leaders and authors seeking to use speaking as a way to attract clients–and to get booked for those gigs.. Yet, I still have more tips for you! So we’re going to cover them from A to Z, short tips which pack a big wallop!

Today’s Tip is …..

S is for Social Media. When people see on social media that you are booked as a speaker, it reaffirms in their minds that you are available for speaking opportunities. One of the best ways to keep getting those invites flowing in, is to make sure that you promote your appearances on social media. Use this tool as a way to remind folks that they should refer you to meeting, events and conference bookers they might know. Keep your profile as a speaker high on social media, and it will continue to spur invites. Whenever possible, do Facebook live broadcasts from your events, to show people you are in the thick of the action!

So this one in a series of 26, presented by SpeakerTunity Cities Regional Speaker Lead Directories. If you like this tip, please subscribe to the SpeakerTunity® You Tube Channel so you can get the other 25, and see all of the more extended segments we’ve posted to help you get booked locally and across North America.

Get Booked, Public Speaker! – Tips From A to Z | Tip Rhttps://speakertunity.com/get-booked-public-speaker-tips-from-a-to-z-tip-r/https://speakertunity.com/get-booked-public-speaker-tips-from-a-to-z-tip-r/#respondSat, 14 Aug 2021 05:00:00 +0000https://speakertunity.com/?p=7896

Tip R

So I’ve filled up the SpeakerTunity® You Tube Channel with tons of useful content for speakers, leaders and authors seeking to use speaking as a way to attract clients–and to get booked for those gigs.. Yet, I still have more tips for you! So we’re going to cover them from A to Z, short tips which pack a big wallop!

Today’s Tip is …..

R is for Referrals. There are so many different ways to get speaking referrals, and many leaders don’t take advantage of them! Ever think of asking your audience? Some speakers I know provide a short evaluation sheet that asks “do know of other organizations that might like to have me come and speak? Please let us know on this form!”  What about friends, family, other professionals in your business, clubs, masterminds or churches that you belong to? Ask them! Referrals are all around you. Ask the person who just booked you, who else they know. You can stimulate referrals by being present to the opportunities already around –and expressing a desire to be connected!

So this one in a series of 26, presented by SpeakerTunity Cities Regional Speaker Lead Directories. If you like this tip, please subscribe to the SpeakerTunity® You Tube Channel so you can get the other 25, and see all of the more extended segments we’ve posted to help you get booked locally and across North America.

Get Booked, Public Speaker! – Tips From A to Z | Tip Qhttps://speakertunity.com/get-booked-public-speaker-tips-from-a-to-z-tip-q/https://speakertunity.com/get-booked-public-speaker-tips-from-a-to-z-tip-q/#respondSat, 07 Aug 2021 05:00:00 +0000https://speakertunity.com/?p=7892

Tip Q

So I’ve filled up the SpeakerTunity® You Tube Channel with tons of useful content for speakers, leaders and authors seeking to use speaking as a way to attract clients–and to get booked for those gigs.. Yet, I still have more tips for you! So we’re going to cover them from A to Z, short tips which pack a big wallop!

Today’s Tip is …..

Q is for Questions. When you get a booker on the phone—and he or she is showing interest—what do you ask?

  • How long would the presentation be?
  • Can you present video or slides?
  • Would this be for a primary stage — or for breakouts or workshops?
  • How many people would be expected?
  • Can you sell something from the stage, make a free offer, or is it presentation ONLY?
  • Can you do handouts?
  • What would you need from me for promotional purposes?
  • Is there a fee involved or is travel covered? If travel is covered, how many nights in the hotel? 
  • If there is no fee, will you be provided lunch or dinner? Or are there any other considerations?

Ask the questions that will ensure you and the booker are on the same page, and make your presentation a success!

So this one in a series of 26, presented by SpeakerTunity Cities Regional Speaker Lead Directories. If you like this tip, please subscribe to the SpeakerTunity® You Tube Channel so you can get the other 25, and see all of the more extended segments we’ve posted to help you get booked locally and across North America.

Get Booked, Public Speaker! – Tips From A to Z | Tip Phttps://speakertunity.com/get-booked-public-speaker-tips-from-a-to-z-tip-p/https://speakertunity.com/get-booked-public-speaker-tips-from-a-to-z-tip-p/#respondSat, 31 Jul 2021 05:00:00 +0000https://speakertunity.com/?p=7888

Tip P

So I’ve filled up the SpeakerTunity® You Tube Channel with tons of useful content for speakers, leaders and authors seeking to use speaking as a way to attract clients–and to get booked for those gigs.. Yet, I still have more tips for you! So we’re going to cover them from A to Z, short tips which pack a big wallop!

Today’s Tip is …..

P is for Promotion. You’ve got the gig…don’t be quiet about it. Get the word out on social media, though local traditional media, trade publications, your podcast and elsewhere– when and where you’ll be speaking. Not only will you endear yourself to the organization, but you tell the world that you are in demand. Success begets more success. Let people see you are available for speaking gigs and they must might connect you up with another one! So promote, promote, promote!

So this one in a series of 26, presented by SpeakerTunity Cities Regional Speaker Lead Directories. If you like this tip, please subscribe to the SpeakerTunity® You Tube Channel so you can get the other 25, and see all of the more extended segments we’ve posted to help you get booked locally and across North America.

Get Booked, Public Speaker! – Tips From A to Z | Tip Ohttps://speakertunity.com/get-booked-public-speaker-tips-from-a-to-z-tip-o/https://speakertunity.com/get-booked-public-speaker-tips-from-a-to-z-tip-o/#respondSat, 24 Jul 2021 05:00:00 +0000https://speakertunity.com/?p=7884

Tip O

So I’ve filled up the SpeakerTunity® You Tube Channel with tons of useful content for speakers, leaders and authors seeking to use speaking as a way to attract clients–and to get booked for those gigs.. Yet, I still have more tips for you! So we’re going to cover them from A to Z, short tips which pack a big wallop!

Today’s Tip is …..

O is for Offer. Do you have a clear and concise offer? Have you created either a compelling free offer that is irresistible for the audience to register for– including a possible free consultation or strategy session? Or have you structured a product that is easy, clear and priced right for the audience? Have you provided incentives for them to buy—such as bonuses, or limited time availability, or special only for this event? Even if you are just selling a book, you should have in mind where you are taking this audience next—a coaching program, a webinar, an event, etc. Knowing exactly what you are marketing and your marketing sequence will actually make it easier for you to sell yourself with confidence to your next booker.

So this one in a series of 26, presented by SpeakerTunity Cities Regional Speaker Lead Directories. If you like this tip, please subscribe to the SpeakerTunity® You Tube Channel so you can get the other 25, and see all of the more extended segments we’ve posted to help you get booked locally and across North America.

Get Booked, Public Speaker! – Tips From A to Z | Tip Nhttps://speakertunity.com/get-booked-public-speaker-tips-from-a-to-z-tip-n/https://speakertunity.com/get-booked-public-speaker-tips-from-a-to-z-tip-n/#respondSat, 17 Jul 2021 05:00:00 +0000https://speakertunity.com/?p=7879

Tip N

So I’ve filled up the SpeakerTunity® You Tube Channel with tons of useful content for speakers, leaders and authors seeking to use speaking as a way to attract clients–and to get booked for those gigs.. Yet, I still have more tips for you! So we’re going to cover them from A to Z, short tips which pack a big wallop!

Today’s Tip is …..

N is for Network with Other Speakers. Want great intel on organizations, meetings, associations and events that are bringing in speakers? Network with other speaker!. While some may be stingy in their responses, fearful they are giving away their own future stages, but most speakers are generous and will be willing to tell you about opportunities that you might never have thought of. Sharing some of your nuggets will undoubtedly open the gate for a dialogue that could generate a multitude of opportunities for you. 

So this one in a series of 26, presented by SpeakerTunity Cities, Regional Speaker Lead Directories. if you like this tip, please subscribe to the SpeakerTunity® You Tube Channel so you can get the other 25, and see all of the more extended segments we’ve posted to help you get booked locally and across North America.

Get Booked, Public Speaker! – Tips From A to Z | Tip Mhttps://speakertunity.com/get-booked-public-speaker-tips-from-a-to-z-tip-m/https://speakertunity.com/get-booked-public-speaker-tips-from-a-to-z-tip-m/#respondSat, 10 Jul 2021 05:00:00 +0000https://speakertunity.com/?p=7951

Tip M

So I’ve filled up the SpeakerTunity® You Tube Channel with tons of useful content for speakers, leaders and authors seeking to use speaking as a way to attract clients–and to get booked for those gigs.. Yet, I still have more tips for you! So we’re going to cover them from A to Z, short tips which pack a big wallop!

Today’s Tip is …..

M is for Meeting Planners. Meeting planners are often on staff or hired as outsourced experts when a company or an association is putting on a regional, national or international conference. But they are hard to reach, and often shield themselves from directly talking to speakers. Most often you apply for their events on a website or through a “call for speakers.” But if you are able to talk directly to a meeting planner, you can start building a relationship. Many planners work for multiple companies and if you’re not right for one, you might be right for another. There are actually several national associations of meeting planners, and you might explore attending one of their local chapter meetings to network. You can buy lists of meeting planners, but in my experience those lists tend to be very outdated. Better to see if you can locate them through LinkedIn. Alternate names for these professionals are conference planners, event managers, event coordinators, director of events, education directors.    

So this one in a series of 26, presented by SpeakerTunity Cities Regional Speaker Lead Directories. If you like this tip, please subscribe to the SpeakerTunity® You Tube Channel so you can get the other 25, and see all of the more extended segments we’ve posted to help you get booked locally and across North America.

Get Booked, Public Speaker! – Tips From A to Z | Tip Lhttps://speakertunity.com/get-booked-public-speaker-tips-from-a-to-z-tip-l/https://speakertunity.com/get-booked-public-speaker-tips-from-a-to-z-tip-l/#respondSat, 03 Jul 2021 05:00:00 +0000https://speakertunity.com/?p=7875

Tip L

So I’ve filled up the SpeakerTunity® You Tube Channel with tons of useful content for speakers, leaders and authors seeking to use speaking as a way to attract clients–and to get booked for those gigs.. Yet, I still have more tips for you! So we’re going to cover them from A to Z, short tips which pack a big wallop!

Today’s Tip is …..

L is for Lunch and Learn. That is the term for a lunch meeting where the attendees come to hear a speaker that provides valued information on professional or personal advancement. These talks generally run between 20 and 45 minutes. And in many cases, you can use PowerPoints.  Furthermore, you can make an offer from the podium after you’ve delivered your content. However, you may be contending with clinking knives and forks, waiters delivering meals, bad sounds systems…lots of distractions. Just be patient and adapt! If you can’t use a PowerPoint you can use notes in this situation. But for many speakers, this is a lucrative marketing vehicle even if you have a short time on stage. You can always make a free offer or consultation offer if time is short!

So this one in a series of 26, presented by SpeakerTunity Cities Regional Speaker Lead Directories. If you like this tip, please subscribe to the SpeakerTunity® You Tube Channel  so you can get the other 25, and see all of the more extended segments we’ve posted to help you get booked locally and across North America.

Get Booked, Public Speaker! – Tips From A to Z | Tip Khttps://speakertunity.com/get-

About SpeakerTunity®:

SpeakerTunity® is the Speaker and Leader Resource Company, providing programs, tip sheets and regional directories that get leaders booked for speaking engagements, radio shows, podcasts, virtual summits and virtual networking across North America. SpeakerTunity Cities Regional Speaker Lead Directories® provides up to 1,800 direct speaker leads in  each of 60 different markets across the US and CAN—in four categories: business, service, consumer and spiritual meetings, venues and associations. SpeakerTunity® also offers a speaker-one sheet graphic design service and turnkey Success Booking System, along with training programs on how to get booked for any platform. www.SpeakerTunity.com

About Conscious Media Relations:

Conscious Media Relations Radio/Podcast Tours have helped nearly 200 luminaries, leaders, filmmakers and authors grow their businesses, sell more books, create viewership and change more lives by introducing them to up to 9000 radio shows and podcasts, including such clients as Don Miguel Ruiz, Arielle Ford, Dr. Joe Vitale, James Twyman, Chris and Janet Attwood, Maureen St. Germaine, Denise Linn, Hay House and more.  www.ConsciousMediaRelations.com

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Jackie Lapin
Title: Founder
Group: Conscious Media Relations & SpeakerTunity.com
Dateline: Westlake Village, CA United States
Direct Phone: 818-707-1473
Main Phone: (818) 707 1473
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