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Global Strategic Management Solutions Announces Launch of Executive Think Tank Mastermind Group
Global Strategic Management Solutions Global Strategic Management Solutions
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Dr. Doreen McGunagle
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 Dr. Doreen McGunagle, Chief Executive Officer of Global Strategic Management Solutions is pleased to announce the Executive Think Tank Mastermind program that allows businesses owners to expand their performance and competency through group coaching. The Executive Think Tank Mastermind group training is not a nice-to-have luxury but essential to a successful and high-performing organization.

The coaching offers the opportunity to share ideas with other business owners, provides accountability to help reach goals, new perspective, and redefine problems that lead to greater growth. Both one-on-one sessions and group sessions meet all the common issues that affect business owners.

According to Dr. Doreen McGunagle, CEO, speaking during a recent interview, "Our program is designed for top executives to ensure their growth and to create solutions to their challenging market conditions. Executives who belong to Mastermind Groups achieve more profitability, productivity, and personnel fulfillment."

Today, in the United States, small businesses generate over half the gross domestic product of the nation. Small businesses are the principal source of new jobs. The initiative of small businesses is one of the most powerful engines for opportunity, economic growth, and economic stability.

Learn more about the next group that is starting on July 12th, 2012 by visiting Executive Think Tank Mastermind Group. Groups are small and limited to 15 members from different industries. Dr. McGunagle stated, "The program offers its members several benefits that assist the business owner with both personal and business growth."

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Doreen M. McGunagle, Ph.D.
Title: CEO
Group: Global Strategic Management Solutions, Inc.
Dateline: Palm Beach Gardens, FL United States
Direct Phone: 561.208.1071
Cell Phone: 561.310.7537
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