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God in Gratitude
Dr. Joy S. Pedersen --  Joy of Spirituality Dr. Joy S. Pedersen -- Joy of Spirituality
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Sarasota, FL
Thursday, November 28, 2024


You are all my children. I love each of you thoroughly and completely.

I may not always adore what you do or how you do it, but that doesn’t diminish my love for you.

I wish for you to feel it. I want you to know how loved you are. It would help if you got that because much of what you seek outside of yourselves is what is within you already.

You seek outer validation due to the void and lack of connection to me. If you seek me and love from within, you won’t need to seek it from everyone and everything else. You need little else when you are secure in my love for you. And, indeed, it is not the validation you believe will soothe the longing within.

The troubles I see on your planet, the rushing here and there trying to fix or get something, are often futile. What you seek is solace and love. If you stop empowering the outer and seek that within, you will have it sooner. The physical manifestation of a world you envision can change instantly from what you project from within.

Work with me there on what you envision; together, we can change and up-level anything that disturbs you.

I am with and within you always, so the time is now rather than when you fix, alter, or address something on the outer first. All optimal results are created from within.

Empowering the physical without the alignment from within only delays the rewards.

Every time you turn your problem or situation over to me, I am grateful so I can optimize the outcome for you and all. For when you are happier, I am happier. When you are balanced, everything is more balanced.

I enjoy life on Earth through you. When you allow me to optimize life by working through you, I can make everyone happier and life more manageable.

It’s the going-it-alone syndrome that gets you into trouble often. When you don’t ask for my assistance, you go it alone, and it may or may not reach a capacity of possibility.

You think you are bothering me by asking for the small things, but I would rather address things when they are small because it is easier all around. Why wait until they get out of hand before asking? What does that serve? Who does that serve?

I have solutions you have never thought of that you couldn’t possibly because all thinking is based on the past. When you ask beyond the intellect, I can provide ideas beyond the imaginable. My world is beyond the imagination, but it is built on imagination.

Why not go for the unimaginable, the easy, the remarkable? Why not test out foreign concepts and see what happens? Why not test me out? Try me out and see what I can do for, with and through you. What a team we could make! What would happen if you all invoked my help? What kind of a world could we create then?

So, I’m going to leave you with this. I sit within you, waiting for you to decide whether to engage my help or not. You can go it alone or to ask for my help.

Surrender to me and let the magic begin.

I am grateful to all who surrender and engage my help.


Joy S. Pedersen, Founder of Express Success LLC, is an intuitive Licensed Spiritual Healer, Certified Spiritual Health Coach, Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner, non-denominational ordained minister, and Doctor of Divinity. She is a noted business consultant and spiritual healer with an international clientele, offering personalized guidance and transformative healing remotely via phone, Skype, or Zoom.

Chosen by Archangel Michael, she was asked to channel his book Wisdom of the Guardian: Treasures from Archangel Michael to Change Your Life, and partner with him to create a global healing practice. Their collaborative efforts, aimed at setting humanity free, are highlighted in the international best-seller Clear Your Past and Change Your Future.

Joy works with individuals and businesses of all sizes to identify and release hidden challenges impacting money, relationships, career, business, health, and overall well-being. Her expertise includes clearing negative memories, emotions, limiting beliefs, past-life issues, property imbalances, travel disruptions, curses, darkness, and karmic patterns.

In addition to private sessions, Joy offers a group membership program through SacredCircle.live, where participants can access powerful tools and collective healing to support spiritual growth and personal success.

To receive free guides and support designed to help you soar and succeed with greater ease, visit GiftsfromJoy.com.

Express Success was founded in 1981 in Los Angeles by Joy Pedersen to help people succeed quicker and easier. After teaching the Law of Attraction, Pedersen realized that everyone had excellent results in some areas and limited results in others. She recognized internal blocks negatively affecting the area of life where people were experiencing diminished results. The search for a solution lead to the discovery of spiritual healing. Pedersen then became a non-denominational ordained minister, a Doctor of Divinity, a Licensed Spiritual Healer, a Certified Spiritual Health Coach, and a Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner. She now works with an international clientele. Her private clients are often business owners addressing their personal lives and business challenges helping both achieve even greater success with ease. Express Success LLC has since relocated to Sarasota, Florida. For more information on Dr. Joy Pedersen, an international best-selling author, visit JoyPedersen.com

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Dr. Joy S. Pedersen
Title: Spiritual Healer, Coach & Author
Group: Express Success LLC
Dateline: Sarasota, FL United States
Direct Phone: 941-220-6245
Cell Phone: 973-723-4686
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