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Going Beyond Surviving to Building a “New Life” Blogafter COVID-19
Jack Beauregard --  The Wisdom Company Jack Beauregard -- The Wisdom Company
Cambridge, MA
Monday, April 6, 2020

Going Beyond Surviving to Building a “New Life” Blogafter COVID-19

The "Resilience Factor" of the Principle of Dynamic Reversal

Endurance is not resilience. The pandemic provides an opportunity to develop resilience which is the ability to adapt and bounce back during this time of social distancing that you never planned for. The "Resilience Factor" of the Principle of Dynamic Reversal allows you to move forward rather than wallow or dwell in the current state of affairs. The uplifting message of the Principle of Dynamic Reversal is that: "I can turn this pandemic into a positive, and grow during these challenging times."


The "Resilience Factor" is based on the fact that growth occurs in response to stress.  An example is that only when your muscles are systematically worked beyond their ability to respond well can they develop increased strength.  Similarly, when our existing understanding of reality is too limited to handle current experiences, it takes a mismatch to force the growth process to occur.


Resilience helps you develop a personal sense of confidence about the future by knowing that you have the ability to get through these difficult experiences.  Being aware of your innate capacity for resilience also makes it easier for you to deal with future downturns, because you realize that; "If I can survive this pandemic, I can deal with other difficult situations that may come up."  A resilient attitude to change increases your effectiveness in dealing with the unpredictability and surprises you may encounter as you make major life transitions.


Application of the "Resilience Factor"

Many of you are now at home under a stay-in-place advisory or order looking out at a scary, unknown world, not knowing if you will live or die or what the economic future will be. Many people are feeling stuck in their lives right now, yet you have a choice: you can be passive and feel depressed and fearful, or you can use this downtime to consciously spend your time and energy trying to get to the next level in your life. The slowdown in your life created by the virus provides an opportunity for you to focus on yourself and "reframe" during this down time.


Know "What's Next?" after the Pandemic

COVID-19 has created a major life transition for everyone.  The "unnatural" sequencing of Ending before Beginning creates anxiety and fear.  Between the ending of the old and the beginning of the new, there is an unknown area called "The Transition Zone." This is the scary world that we are living in right now. A successful transition requires successful passage through this period of personal insecurity.

Experiencing the ending of the "old normal" and the beginning of the "new normal" provides an opportunity for you to do Integrated Personal Transition Planning so you can:

  • Create a new identity by knowing who you really are now that your old life is over
  • Intellectually live a new life by transforming the way you think
  • Emotionally live a new life by transforming the way you feel about yourself
  • Psychologically live a new life by transforming the way you interact with yourself and others
  • Experience genuine spirituality
  • Discover meaningful activities in all ten aspects of your life

Personal planning provides the framework for your recovery by showing you how to rebuild your life in a better way. Creating a comprehensive vision for your life gives you the emotional confidence you need to transition successfully through this crisis and create a meaningful new life after the pandemic.


Action Step

If you would like to download the Integrated Personal Transition Planning White Paper that shows you what you need to do: click here  



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Name: Jack Beauregard
Title: Founder, CEO
Group: The Wisdom Company
Dateline: Cambridge, MA United States
Direct Phone: 617.299.7363
Cell Phone: 617.267.9727
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