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Guidelines for Advertising and Marketing in the COVID-19 Era
Ellen Sills-Levy  --  ESL INSIGHTS, LLC. Ellen Sills-Levy -- ESL INSIGHTS, LLC.
New York, NY
Thursday, April 16, 2020


Research on the emotional impact of COVID-19 http://www.newsreleasewire.com/229963) suggests a number of guidelines for engaging your customers and for overall positioning of your products and services:

  • Don't stop your digital and advertising content, even if doesn't look as professional as usual.  Your brand needs to be top-of-mind positively and authentically.
  • Consumers are looking for comfort and to be nurtured. Your marketing messaging needs to feel like "comfort food" -- warm an loving.
  • Consumers want authenticity. They want to know that you care about them and their families and how you are being socially responsible.
  • They are looking for safety and reality. The world they knew has been turned asunder. If they are digitally purchasing from you or using your brand for business and personal connectivity, they want to know that you have taken every possible measure to secure their digital connections and online communities.
  • Consumers are very concerned about their health and the health of loved ones.  If you can authentically do it, help consumers believe that they can reach that uncharted, better future with the people they love.  Help them stay healthy.
  • Use this opportunity to foster community through your marketing and messaging. Consumers are desperate for belonging and the security that community provides.

ESL Insights, LLC


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Name: Ellen Sills-Levy
Dateline: New York, NY United States
Direct Phone: 917.863.7941
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