This week marks Long-Term Care Administrators Week, a time to recognize the hardworking professionals who lead long-term care facilities across the country. Keynote speaker and comedian Jan McInnis, who has spoken at numerous long-term care events nationwide, encourages everyone to take part in celebrating these dedicated administrators.
"Almost all of us have or will be impacted by long-term care," says McInnis. "My dad was in long-term care, and I can say from personal experience that these people go above and beyond the call of duty for their residents. My dad had dementia, but NEVER did anyone at his residence treat him as less than a perfect human being. They had the compassion and patience to handle his needs. AND from my own experience speaking at many long-term care conventions, I know they also have a GREAT sense of humor, which is much needed in that business."
Ways to Celebrate Long-Term Care Administrators
According to the American College of Health Care Administrators, here are some meaningful ways to honor administrators this week:
- Individual Recognition: Send flowers, a gift basket, or a self-care package with treats like a gratitude journal, soy candles, or their favorite sweets. Treat them to a special lunch via Uber Eats or a gift certificate to a spa.
- Center Recognition: Host a themed meal, social, or potluck for staff and residents to celebrate the administrators. Create thank-you notes on fun stationery, highlighting fun facts about them. Display a banner in the facility acknowledging their contributions.
- Community Recognition: Send a press release to local newspapers highlighting the administrator and their team's dedication.
Long-term care administrators play a vital role in ensuring high-quality care for residents, and their dedication deserves to be celebrated. Join Jan McInnis and others in recognizing their hard work during #LTCAweek25!
About Jan McInnis
Jan McInnis is a keynote speaker and comedian who helps organizations find the humor in change and daily challenges. With over 25 years of experience, she brings laughter and leadership insights to audiences nationwide.
Jan McInnis
Keynote Speaker, Comedian, and Master of Ceremonies
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