Home > NewsRelease > Harness The Power of Creating Leaders in Your High Ticket Membership
Harness The Power of Creating Leaders in Your High Ticket Membership
Scott Whitaker  -- Membership Expert Scott Whitaker -- Membership Expert
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Charleston, SC
Thursday, July 25, 2024


I want to talk about this integral part of your business because I want to help you develop your personal leadership so that you can lead your members and ultimately grow your membership business. After all, every business has a leadership system whether you recognize it or not.

Whether you’re growing as a leader or whether you’re declining as a leader, your business is going to be impacted. That’s why  growing leadership is such an integral part to what we do inside our membership business. I want to lead with this statement,

“Growing membership businesses are led by growing leaders.”

When I meet with the CEO or a president or a founder of a membership business. I like to ask them and find out from them, and I like to learn from them, what books are they reading? How are they growing? What are some of the things that they’re experiencing in order to grow their leadership? Without a doubt those membership businesses that are growing, I am able to find how that leader is growing in their personal leadership and in their business leadership.

Now there’s an old saying that says, “He who thinks his leading and has no followers is only taking a walk.” Maybe you’ve heard that saying. I want you to think about your business and your members, they’re following you and if you want more members to follow you, then you’ve got to go to work on your personal leadership and on your business leadership.

I want you to grow so that you can go through the barriers that you’re going to face within your business. What I’d like to say is you’re going to grow through those barriers and be able to lead your business. Hopefully, in doing so and having a leadership system in place, you’ll be able to actually be able to actually just jump over some of those barriers and miss some of the common barriers that other businesses and other membership businesses commonly face.

Listen; if you’re all alone as a leader, are you really leading? If you’re losing touch with your members, then that’s a huge leadership landmine. It will damage your credibility, and it’s going to destroy your influence with your members. So, how do you avoid losing touch?

Let me ask you this question. What is the last book you read on leadership? If I was sitting across the table from you or you were sitting across the table from me right now, and I asked you, “What is the last leadership book that you read?” What would you say to me? What book would you share with me?

All leaders are readers.

I want you to really consider the importance of the content you are consuming. Then I want you to look at what is it that you’re experiencing? And then what is it that you’re applying in your personal life and in your business? And then what is it you’re developing? What are you going to work on constantly to improve your business and your personal growth?

If you’re interested in learning more about if and how I can help you scale your coaching business, here are three ways we can work together:

1. Grab a copy of “High-Ticket Coach.” It’s my brand new book on how to create, launch and sell your high-ticket membership offer. You’ll also get a ton of free resources and tools to help sell your current membership offers.

Go here to get your copy.

2. Get a FREE copy of Accelerate: How to Get Your Next 10, 100, 500 or Even 1,000 Members… Yes, you can get a free copy of my brand-new book! In it, you discover more on how to promote your membership, get more members and increase retention.

Go get your free copy here.

3. If you’d like to work directly with me and my team to help you create and sell a high ticket membership… If you’d like to work directly with me and my team to multiply your membership… just schedule a free strategy session. We’ll map out a strategy and then take a look to see if and how we may be able to grow your business.

Go here to complete this brief survey and schedule your free call.

About Scott Whitaker

Scott is an expert in creating and building membership programs within businesses, giving greater value to customers and multiplying income. Using his "Seven Systems of a Healthy Membership Program," he will help you get new members, increase retention and structure your membership program for long-term growth.
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Name: Scott Whitaker
Group: Membership Multipliers
Dateline: Charleston, SC United States
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