Home > NewsRelease > “Have you tried turning it off and then turning it back on again?”
“Have you tried turning it off and then turning it back on again?”
Terry Brock -- Achievement Systems Terry Brock -- Achievement Systems
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Orlando, FL
Tuesday, July 23, 2024


Sometimes a good Restart is the best thing to do with your computer when things are going Kaploowy (technical term).

It’s like giving your digital buddy a quick nap and a fresh cup of coffee!

On our Mac computers, we call it a Restart.

I hear over in Windows land they call it Reboot.

Either way, it’s often a good practice to clean out the yuck that’s going on and have a fresh start.

It works just dandy with technology many times.

You know, the cool thing is that a restart can help in many other areas of life as well. It’s like hitting the refresh button on your day — and your life!

Those of us who are hard-charging Entrepreneurs love what we’re doing, sometimes pumping in the 16 to 18 hour days. Yet sometimes we need to take a good solid break every once in a while.

A restart.

It’s like giving your brain a spa day!

And you know, sometimes that’s a real good thing for relationships too.

Sometimes you need to refresh that relationship that might have been slowing down a bit. It’s like giving your friendship a little CPR (Caring Personal Reconnection)!

Sometimes a quick email that just says, “Hey, here’s an article I thought you might like” with a link can do wonders. Or perhaps a quick, “How’s it goin’?” call can help rejuvenate a once-good relationship that needs some special care and love.

Sometimes it’s a quick video hello. I like to use the video tool Loom for that. I’ve seen really good results with it. It’s like sending a digital hug!

And we know that our world today can use all the help it can get!

Relationships are most important in business, and sometimes they need a refresh. What key relationships could you refresh and rejuvenate that could yield some real good results? Time to dust off that contact list!

Sometimes you just need a quick refresh in order to stand out in a crowded world.

Over here in Mac computer land, we use the Command-R combo to refresh the screen. (Those of you in Windows land probably have something comparable!)

When you do the right refresh or restart, you can do a lot to help your business and really move towards monetizing it. It’s like giving your business a turbo boost!

Here’s a cool video you will love that we put together recently that’s getting some great reactions. You can reboot what you’re doing for monetizing and making money from doing the right things. This “restart” can help your business turn things around.

Having the right refresh or restart can help you stand out in a very crowded world.

Refreshing yourself, important relationships, and yes, your technology can really help bring a new fresh perspective.

It’s like cleaning your glasses – suddenly everything looks clearer and brighter!

Thank you for joining me today, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Let’s hit that refresh button together!


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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Terry Brock
Group: Achievement Systems
Dateline: Orlando, FL United States
Direct Phone: 407-363-0505
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