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Helping Employees Manage Recession-Driven Stress

Susan Gayle, CH, RMT, AHP, Founder of the New Behavior Institute
Susan Gayle, CH, RMT, AHP, Founder of the New Behavior Institute, Certified Hypnotist and Reiki Master Practitioner offers this great information on helping your employees manage their recession-driven stress:

Susan says:

?When people are under stress, their concentration is limited, reducing the quality of their work and diminishing their output. OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Administration) has actually declared stress a hazard of the workplace. Effective management means learning to deal practically with the stresses of this new age. Managers would be wise to incorporate stress-reducing tactics in the workplace. Stress reduction results in increased productivity, health and better collaboration.?

Here are some interesting facts Susan Gayle can teach us about stress:

?Stress affects us both negatively and positively. On the positive side, stress motivates us to move forward and get more done ? as in working under a deadline, or when we release adrenalin in an emergency and it increases our strength, mental clarity and abilities. On the negative side, stress causes us to feel overwhelmed and procrastinate. Too much stress depresses our immune system and can cause us to get sick.?

So what can be done to cope? Gayle advises:

?Humor is an excellent way to relieve stress and fear - and besides that, it's free. What better way to improve conditions in the workplace? All work and no play stretches people beyond their capabilities. There is no time to re-group and re-energize. The results are a lessening of quality in work, concentration and communication. Everything needs a balance. Our greatest and most creative out-put needs inner resources and we need the space and time to develop those resources. All work drains those resources - play enhances them.?

Consequences of poorly managed stress are:

1. Addictions: Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription Drugs and Illegal Drugs

2. Detachment: from customers, co-workers, family and friends ? and emotions

3. Emotional outbursts, exhaustion (physical and psychological), low self-esteem, disrespectful behavior towards others and reduced effectiveness.

So how can people deal effectively with stress? Here?s a powerful list that Susan Gayle, Founder of the New Behavior Institute, has put together for you:

1. Accept that stress is a natural component to life

2. Learn to differentiate between good and bad stress

3. Develop Self-Esteem

4. Create a supportive network of friends, family and therapists that you can depend on during times of stress

5. Learn de-stressing exercises (My Stress-Buster Exercise here below, Meditation, Work-out, Journal Keeping)


Copyright 2008 Susan Gayle, CH, RMT, AHP, Founder, New Behavior Institute)

Warning: Do not drive or operate machinery when practicing this exercise. Make sure you?re in a place where it?s safe for you to close your eyes.

Know that on the count of 3 you will release your stress and relax?Now?

6. Take a Deep Breath ? in from your nose; hold it an instant;

7. Release it slowly from your mouth and, Close Your Eyes

8. Press Thumb & Forefinger together to form a Circle (an OK sign)

9. Count Slowly 1??..2??..3??..

10. Feel all your Body RELAX on 3; let your muscles go limp, like a rag doll, just release all the stress and tension that you hold in your muscles ? let it go.

11. In a Deep State of Relaxation. Now Give yourself Positive Suggestions (such as, ?I am relaxed, safe and in control of my life?) ?- or Just Relax

12. When you wish to return ? Release Your Fingers & Open Your Eyes

Use it ? it works! The more you use it, the more effective it becomes. Now?let that stress go and let?s get this country moving positively again!

Susan Gayle continues:

?The success of any company depends heavily on the productivity and

performance of its human resources. The ability to function and perform consistently at a high level is greatly aided by employees being healthy and able to handle their stress. The introduction of a Stress Reduction Corporate Program is beneficial for both the employee and the employer. Stress Reduction Programs focus on the physical well-being of employees.?

Susan goes on to explain:

?Businesses that have adopted Health & Wellness programs, which include Stress Reduction, Stop Smoking, and Weight Loss, especially like the savings in insurance premiums and time lost due to sickness.?

Susan Gayle asks if you know that:

?For every $1 spent on preventive services and health promotion, employers can realize a $3 return on investment in the form of lower medical costs, less sick and disability leave and higher productivity. So the medical cost savings to a business resulting from having health and wellness programs are quite real. And yet even so, the benefits go beyond money savings and include higher productivity, reduced absenteeism, fewer injuries, and greater morale.?

?It?s been found that worksite health promotion and wellness programs can:

  • Reduce Sick Leave by 27.8%

  • Reduce Health Costs by 28.7%

  • Reduce Disability Costs by 33.5%

  • Reduce Workers Comp Costs by 33.5%

  • Save $5.50 in cost for every dollar invested.?

    What can a company and it?s HR people to? Here?s what Susan Gayle, Founder of the New Behavior Institute and an expert on this topic advises:

    Identify the Problem

    1. Have a discussion with the employee

    2. Measure employee perceptions of job conditions, stress, health and


    3. Collect objective data

    4. Analyze data to identify problem locations and stressful job conditions and

    where intervention will be possible

    Approach to solutions:

    1. Ensure that the workload is in line with worker's capabilities and resources

    2. Clearly define worker's roles and responsibilities

    3. Give worker opportunities to participate in decisions and actions affecting

    his/her job where possible

    Establish counseling facilities based on guided self-help from personnel or

    health professionals or others and the company support systems, with

    referral to consultants if appropriate

    The New Behavior Institute?s prorams are successful because they?re natural and easy. Our group programs are unique because they address the physical, psychological, and unconscious challenges associated with reducing stress. We use cutting-edge and proven mind-body techniques, including Behavior Modification, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Self-Hypnosis with on-going Reinforcement.

    Private one-on-one corporate coaching sessions are also available for Alcohol/Drug Issues as well as the aforementioned Stop Smoking, Weight Loss and Stress Reduction.

    ?Your mind is your most powerful tool.?

    It?s been said of Susan Gayle and her work, ? We regain our lost sense of ease, grace and limitless potential.? And besides, she?s fun!

    Susan Gayle ? Take a Breath and Take Back Your Life.

    Susan Gayle, CH, is the author of the CDs, ?Learn To Be Stress-Free?, ?Let Your Stress Go?, ?Take Control Of Your Eating?, ?Take Control Over Alcohol?, ?Stop Smoking? (available at www.NewBehaviorInstitute.com) and many others which help people and companies learn how to take control and make positive changes. She is Founder of the New Behavior Institute that specializes in Cognitive Change for both individuals and corporations. She is a Speaker, Author, Teacher, Certified Hypnotist (NGH, ABH, IMDHA, IACT) and Reiki Master Practitioner. Susan has been written up in the NY Times, quoted in The Hartford Courant, Orlando & Sun Sentinel, University of Connecticut Health Newsletter, Sacramento Bee, Woman?s Day, Women?s World, Quick & Simple, Arizona Republic, Black Enterprise, HRMagazine and others and is a regular guest on national and international radio. She was host of the Radio show ?Susan Gayle?s Happy Hour?.

    To contact Susan to Quit Smoking, Lose Weight, Reduce Stress and Control Alcohol/Drugs for yourself or your company's Wellness Programs;

    Call: 1.212.889.5362

    E-Mail: SNF@NewBehaviorInstitute.com

    Website: www.NewBehaviorInstitute.com

    Interviews may be arranged via: E-mail: SNF@NewBehaviorInstitute.com

    Telephone: 212-889-5362


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    News Media Interview Contact
    Name: Susan Gayle/or Neri-Friedwald
    Title: Founder
    Group: New Behavior Institute & The Language Exchange
    Dateline: New York, NY United States
    Direct Phone: 212-889-5362
    Jump To Susan Gayle, MS, CH, RMT- Hypnotist, Therapist, Behavior Modification Jump To Susan Gayle, MS, CH, RMT- Hypnotist, Therapist, Behavior Modification
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