Thursday, March 20, 2025
Title: Where Eagles Fly
Author: David A. Jacinto
Publisher: Meadow VistaPublishing
ISBN: 979-8-2184977-2-9
What would you risk forthe dream of a better life? This heartwarming question invites youinto the remarkable journeys of 19th-century pioneers, immersing youin a world filled with hope, fear, and unyielding ambition.
Their bravery inovercoming challenges is nothing short of inspiring!
David A. Jacinto'shistorical epic, Where Eagles Fly, is more than just anotherhistorical novel—it's an engaging, cinematic adventure that willgrab your attention from the very first page.

Drawing inspiration fromthe history of the author’s own ancestors, the story is grounded intrue events of the time, yet it is richly embellished to create acompelling narrative. While the story is fictionalized based on thesetrue events, it feels like history unfolding right in front of you,making it a captivating read that you won’t want to put down.
Grounded in extensivehistorical detail and captivating storytelling, this saga offers notonly a thrilling journey but also a tribute to the incredible spiritof those who shaped America.
With its gripping action,genuine emotion, and vivid imagery, Jacinto brings to life thehardships faced by 19th-century pioneers.
Right from the start inJune 1868, you’re swept up in the excitement of a perilous voyageaboard the Colorado. Here, Tom Wright, his pregnant wifeAnnie, and their siblings navigate cramped quarters, questionablefood, and a fierce hurricane that threatens their journey. Jacinto’scolorful descriptions of the storm and the passengers’ fears drawyou in, making you feel their struggle for survival.
The challenges persist asrelentless heat, dust, and exhaustion push the characters to theirlimits. However, the real adventure begins in Shoshone territory,where the Wrights face an unexpected ambush, with arrows flying andchaos erupting.
This intense moment keepsreaders engaged and serves as a vivid reminder of the historicalconflicts that shaped America, as well as the resilience of those whofought through it all.
When they arrive in thelawless town of Benton, Wyoming, the Wrights encounter a roughfrontier life filled with excitement and uncertainty.
Jacinto paints a raw,realistic picture that brings the era to life, making it hard to lookaway. You’ll empathize with the couple’s quest for survival in aworld where luck and determination often go hand in hand.
The vivid portrayal ofBenton creates an atmosphere reminiscent of a thrilling Western film.As Tom moves on from Benton, he meets influential figures likeGeneral Grenville M. Dodge, the chief engineer of the Union PacificRailroad, and Joseph Young, son of Brigham Young.
Dodge sees Tom’spotential and helps him step into the world of railroad construction,where he quickly becomes a leader among the workers. Tom experiencesthe grueling labor, hardship, and shady dealings that come with thiscolossal project.
The stark reality ofexploitation hits hard when he and his coworkers endure toughconditions—only to find themselves unpaid for more than a year. Atthe heart of this injustice is Thomas "Doc" Durant, thecrafty vice president of Union Pacific. He manipulates company fundsthrough deceit, leaving hard-working laborers in desperatecircumstances.
When pushed too far, theworkers take matters into their own hands, capturing Durant anddemanding their wages. With his life hanging in the balance,officials rush to pay the workers, avoiding a potential disaster.Durant’s near-miss serves as a powerful reminder of the greed thatdrove the railroad's construction, with many benefiting while thelaborers who built it struggled.
By blending historicalfacts with engaging storytelling, this novel unveils both thegroundbreaking achievement of the railroad and the tough realitiesfaced by those who made it happen.
If you’re fascinated bythe untold stories of those who shaped America, Where Eagles Flyis a delightful read that captures the adventurous spirit of thefrontier. Jacinto beautifully mixes historical details andcaptivating drama, leading to a final act filled with surprises and atwist that you won’t see coming. Just when you think you know howit will end, Jacinto changes the game, delivering an unforgettableconclusion.
While the book’s depthcan sometimes feel a bit overwhelming, a more streamlined approachmight enhance the flow.
Still, if you appreciatehistorical epics, Where Eagles Fly offers a powerful dive intothe struggles, sacrifices, and aspirations of pioneers seeking abetter life. By intertwining real historical figures with fiction,and drawing from his ancestors' history, this novel gives readers apersonal look at the tough labor, heart-wrenching losses, and intenseconflicts that forged the Transcontinental Railroad and the AmericanWest.
Tom Wright confronts itall—rough landscapes, tough clashes, and unrestrained greed—as hetransforms into a true railroad man, embodying the remarkable grit ofhuman endurance.
Even long after you’veturned the final page, the vivid depiction of perseverance and thecost of progress will stay with you, sparking inspiration andreflection.
Follow Here To Read Norm'sInterview With David A. Jacinto as they explore the writing of thenovel. You won't want to miss this interesting interview.
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