Saturday, January 21, 2012
There's something fun to celebrate in every month, and of course in February, we all are thinking about the same thing. Clearance sales! Or maybe not... Valentine's Day is a great day to celebrate all of the people in your life that you love, not just your significant other. Remember making Valentines in grade school and putting them in the homemade mailboxes made out of shoeboxes and crepe paper? It's fun to bring back those fun memories and share them with others. Don't miss out on our most recent addition to the ValentinesDayFun website: Printable Valentines! Break out the glitter and glue, some butcher paper and a shoebox and make a great mailbox to put your Valentines in. You'll be glad you did!
February To Do List
More Fun Activities
Getting Down to Business
Have a great February filled with lots of love!