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Home Stagers Encouraged to Take Risks and Embrace Mistakes
Debra Gould - Home Staging Expert Debra Gould - Home Staging Expert
Toronto, ON
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

(UNITED STATES) June 26, 2012 – A career in home staging can be particularly appealing to perfectionists, according to Staging Diva Debra Gould. On the Home Staging Business Report blog, Gould discusses how striving for perfection can hold home stagers back and keep them from realizing their full potential.

"Since I've been a home stager for 10 years and teaching others for nearly as long, I know that home staging appeals to perfectionists," Gould says. "After all, there are few jobs that reward you for obsessing over the precise location of a painting, the angle of a throw over the side of a chair, or how neatly the bathroom towels are hung. Being the perfectionist I am, I LOVE that!"

Gould, who founded the Staging Diva Home Staging Business Training Program, believes that women tend toward perfectionism more than men. She says that from a young age, women are told to keep their things neat, to color inside the lines, and to make sure their hair looks pretty and that their clothes match.

"Too many home stagers hold themselves and their staging businesses back because they're afraid to make a mistake," says Gould. "We want everything to be 'perfect.' It's a natural tendency—we don't want to look foolish, make a mistake or disappoint someone. But here's the thing—if you're not making mistakes in your home staging business, then you're not moving forward!"

Gould says she believes that we as human beings are all capable of much more than we imagine, citing a video titled "Why You Need to Fail" by Derek Sivers.

"This video gives a great example of how a 'master' rarely gets everything right the first time, and our assumption that they do often holds us back from even trying. If we always play it totally safe and don't allow ourselves to fail, we never find the outer limits of what we can do."

Gould encourages home stagers and other entrepreneurs to visit the Home Staging Business Report on the Staging Diva website for additional business advice and marketing tips.

About Staging Diva

The creator of the Staging Diva Home Staging Business Training Program, Debra Gould has staged millions of dollars' worth of real estate, including 7 of her own homes. She is the president of Voice of Possibility Group Inc., which operates a home staging division, SixElements.com, in addition to StagingDiva.com, which has trained over 7,000 home stagers to start and grow their own businesses.

Debra has gained international recognition through features in major media in the US and Canada including: This Old House, HGTV, CNN Money, CBC National News, CBS Radio, Global TV, City TV, The Wall Street Journal, Women's Day, Reader's Digest and more.


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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Debra Gould, The Staging Diva
Title: President
Group: Voice of Possibility Group Inc.
Dateline: Toronto, ON Canada
Direct Phone: 416-691-6615
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