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Hope for Helicopter Parents
Love and Logic Institute, Inc. Love and Logic Institute, Inc.
Golden, CO
Monday, August 8, 2016


Golden, CO, "How do I overcome my urge to rescue?"


I've heard this question multiple times from caring parents concerned with their tendency to lift off, hover, and rescue any time their kids encounter challenges. Here are some thoughts to ponder:


Sometimes it's fine to rescue.

Love and Logic parents rescue their kids when life and limb are in danger. They also do so…occasionally…when their youngsters aren't demanding it, appreciate the help, and don't make a habit of needing to be rescued.


Helicopter parenting sends a very powerful and damaging message.

"You're weak. You can't solve the problems you face."


Kids learn to take good care of themselves through modeling.

If we can't say "no" to them, what are the chances they'll learn to say "no" to their peers?


Kids love and respect only those adults who are willing to set and enforce healthy limits.

Having a good long-term relationship with kids depends on occasionally allowing them to be very upset with us.


Sincere empathy makes all of the difference!

We can hold our kids accountable for their poor decisions. We can expect them to own and solve the problems they create. Sincere empathy allows us to do these things without losing their love and respect. It also allows us to discipline without having to feel guilty.


We're thrilled to announce our new and updated Helicopters, Drill Sergeants and Consultants audio. If listening to it doesn't change your life, we'll gladly buy it back.

Dr. Charles Fay


Dr. Charles Fay is a parent, public speaker and internationally recognized authority on parenting, education and leadership.  His new audio Real Talk on Technology: Guiding Your Kids to Make Good Digital Decisions is available at www.loveandlogic.com.

Media Contact:

Monica Fay



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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Monica
Group: Love and Logic Institute, Inc.
Dateline: Golden, CO United States
Direct Phone: 800-338-4065
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