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Hospice Nurse Sees Angels
Charles Page MD -- Texas-based Surgeon, Author, Storyteller Charles Page MD -- Texas-based Surgeon, Author, Storyteller
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Nacogdoches, TX
Tuesday, November 24, 2020


This video is only about 10 minutes long, but includes multiple repeats. Below is the text of the video. Thanks.

Well probably my most profound one and I will never ever forget this it was a Sunday school teacher that lived in our
area she had liver cancer terminal and she was going down fast and I had come into
the office and heard that she wasn’t doing well and I thought okay I’m gonna go by there on my way home and so I
stopped by her house and I walked into her bedroom and a family member was holding her up she was standing it was a
small bedroom shed twin bed and she looked at me and she said well how are you today and you know it’s amazing that
somebody’s in that conditions gonna ask me how am i but she did and I told her I was I said well how are you and she said
I’m wonderful she said I’m good and that’s Jesus standing over there and she had such a profound look on her face
that it made me look where she was pointing and it was like I knew he was there just that look on her face told me
that he was with her and she by the way did pass away the next morning but I’ll never forget the look on her face when
she pointed to him and quite frankly if the family member hadn’t been there I wanted to ask her what did you like
telling that I was awesome won’t they just that lady that was holding her up didn’t say anything and this this lady
had a strong faith and and no doubt when she closed her eyes where where she was and it’s another one is a gentleman that
was just laying in his bed and his family told me that about this later that he kept complaining that are
talking about a light that he kept sin and they said they turned off the light in the bedroom they thought that was
shining in his face but he said but he himself told them no no I’m seeing a light and he passed on a short times
after that also we also had a gentleman that came to Christ a couple of weeks before he passed away and there wasn’t a
soul on this earth that he didn’t tell about Jesus everybody he saw every opportunity that he got to go somewhere
he was witnessing his love and his salvation and so he you know it it makes a difference in a death when somebody is
a born-again Christian it does it it it has to have that effect and it does on everyone and that’s where the
forgiveness comes in and in this world is no longer important to them and so they they go into another whole world if
you will and I think that’s what happens when they kind of like go into asleep before their death and then they go on
and pass on I think during that time that them and God are talking things over and working things out and and then
they find then they go on go on to something better that’s pain-free and no illness no disease no nothing you know
and it’s interesting you know the Scriptures talk about how God is our very is our very present help in time of
need and you see people yes suffering and death and dying it yes what you’re saying here is almost it’s
almost like their spirituality and God it’s just almost palpable they they see things and they understand things that I
guess those of us who are still got more of a foot in this world you know I guess that we don’t really yes under yes yes
and they do and it is the point being with these people is God never leaves us he knows and they know what’s going on
he puts that instinct in us and these people know that that they’re not going to live and that things have changed
they’re going on to meet their Lord and that’s a comfort to them that’s a concert for their family

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Name: Jerry McGlothlin
Group: Special Guests
Dateline: Hickory, NC United States
Direct Phone: 919-437-0001
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