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How And Why Managing Gen Z Employees Can Be Challenging For Companies
Edward Segal, Crisis Management Expert Edward Segal, Crisis Management Expert
Washington, DC
Monday, April 4, 2022

The cover of Edward Segal's book on crisis management

Commentary From Crisis Management Expert Edward Segal, Bestselling Author of the Award- Winning Book "Crisis Ahead: 101 Ways to Prepare for and Bounce Back from Disasters, Scandals, and Other Emergencies " (Nicholas Brealey)

Each new generation brings with it its own challenges, preferences and priorities that help shape the workplace and can create management issues for business leaders.

A new report from ThoughtExchange, an anti-bias management discussion platform, profiles the latest and youngest generation to join the workforce— those born between 1997 and the early 2000s—known as Gen Z.

Gen Z At Work

According to the ThoughtExchange's Gen Z At Work report that was released last week, "… it's no surprise that members of Generation Z are at the helm of workplace transformation, redefining the 9 to 5 and setting new standards for employee expectations...with The Great Resignation underway, it's imperative that employers take note.

"In fact, as the most populous generation, with over 60 million members in the United States alone, Gen Z is well on their way to becoming the most influential group in the workplace.''

The report found that:

  • 96% of respondents said it's important they feel valued, included, and empowered at work.
  • 80% of respondents prefer a job that allows them to explore and grow various skillsets, rather than a job that is focused on a particular set of skills.
  • 79% of respondents value having a manager that cares about their personal development as much as their professional development.


Dave MacLeod, ThoughtExchange's CEO and founder, said, "Leaders: Get going on purpose and inclusion. With 85% of respondents conveying they want to work for a company with a mission and 89% saying they will leave a company that doesn't include them, the future is clear.

"Leaders who fail to rapidly shift their organizations into a force for good or include their people in figuring out just how to do that will end up becoming the Blockbusters of the business world," he warned.


Some have found it challenging, if not difficult, to manage members of Gen Z. In an informal survey, several business executives shared their experiences and perspectives.

Work Ethic

Max Benz, the founder and CEO at BankingGeek, noted that "One of the biggest challenges I've faced in managing Gen Z employees is helping them to develop a work ethic. Many of them are used to being rewarded for things like participation and effort, rather than results.

"I've found that it's important to set clear expectations and goals for them, and then hold them accountable to meeting those expectations. Additionally, I try to motivate them by focusing on their strengths and emphasizing how their contributions are helping us achieve our goals," he said.


Andrei Vasilescu is a serial entrepreneur, digital marketing expert and co-founder of DontPayFull.com. He observed that "Gen Z can be exhausting because they lack discipline, they like to challenge you. They grew up online in an environment that amplified their voices, so they were never raised like us, where kids had no say in things. When I was their age, you had to 'earn' the right to open your mouth and challenge adults and people with more experience. Well, they feel entitled to do it because they've always been allowed to do it.

"They think they're better than you, smarter than you, more capable than you, and they will tell you to your face. I've butted heads more than once with a Gen Z employee, because since our company is online-based, they think they know everything about the digital world and that they can teach me," according to Vasilescu.

Staying Motivated

Scott Spivack, marketing director at United Medical Credit, said that "As a business leader, I do manage a fair share of Gen Z employees. [They] demand more freedom and personal space when it comes to working. They're not really inclined to work with managers that micro-manage, because it kills their much-needed breathing space.

"Plus, each of them has a varied set of motivations, so it's hard to figure out what exactly drives them. For some, it's the idea of growth, while for others, it's a good pay package. So, dealing with Gen Z employees is a constant learning process and you need to adapt to lead them better," he concluded.


Teri Shern, the cofounder of Conex Boxes, noted that "One of the biggest challenges that I've faced with managing Gen Z employees is they can be very impatient when it comes to learning certain things. It seems that Gen Z doesn't want to waste time with learning something that they don't think is necessary to them.

"While this can be excellent in terms of cutting down on learning time and focusing only on what they need to focus on, it can also be a challenge when they don't realize what the bigger picture is," she concluded.

Instant Gratification

Jonathan Ben Zvi is the CEO of All Forward, a technology platform that allows freight forwarders to request and receive quotes from around the world in real-time. He pointed out that, "... Gen Z is used to instant gratification and may become easily frustrated if they don't see results immediately."

Advice For Business Leaders

Find Ways To Connect

Isaac Tebbs, head of growth at the Millions Visa debit card, noted that "Managing members of this generation can be difficult, but it is definitely worth it if you can find a way to connect with them and keep them engaged. Some tips for others include being understanding of their need for flexibility, keeping communication open and positive, and offering opportunities for growth and development."

'Embrace Their Inherent Skills'

Quynh Mai, CEO and founder of digital marketing agency Moving Image & Content, observed that "Some Gen X and Millennial leaders find Gen Z staff members terrifying. They live and shop their values. They don't hesitate on calling you out when you are wrong or culturally tone-deaf. They think they know more than you do—and in this new digital-first world, they do.

"The fact is, that in today's world, they are smarter, faster, and better equipped to cope than we are, so we need to embrace their inherent skills and learn from them," she commented.

Provide Feedback

Burak Ozdemir, the founder of Alarm Journal, said that" Managing employees of any generation can be challenging, but there are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to Gen Z. First and foremost, they crave feedback. Make sure you give them regular performance updates so they know how they're doing and where they need to improve.

Lay Out Expectations

"They also appreciate clear communication and structure, so laying out expectations from the start is key. Additionally, being open to new ideas and flexible with work schedules is important—remember that this generation is used to having constant access to information and technology, so they're often more comfortable working on their own terms," Ozdemir counseled.


Edward Segal is a crisis management expert, consultant and the bestselling author of the award-winning Crisis Ahead: 101 Ways to Prepare for and Bounce Back from Disasters, Scandals, and Other Emergencies (Nicholas Brealey). Order the book at https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0827JK83Q/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_bibl_vppi_i0

Segal is a Leadership Strategy Senior Contributor for Forbes.com where he covers crisis-related news, topics and issues. Read his recent articles at https://www.forbes.com/sites/edwardsegal/?sh=3c1da3e568c5.

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