Tuesday, February 8, 2022
If you or your children have trouble focusing, frequently forget things, or can’t concentrate for extended periods of time, the reason could be Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder, also called ADHD. This condition can be extremely disruptive to the patient’s life and affect the way they perform in school or at work. Unfortunately, it’s often misdiagnosed. Here at Cady Wellness Institute in Newburgh, IN, we use several ADD testing methods.
To begin with, you can use the self-scoring assessment on our website to figure out whether the symptoms you experience are similar to the ones described. If so, you shouldn’t delay getting in touch. We can use functional medical testing and our Quotient computerized diagnostic system to diagnose you and find an appropriate treatment. Let’s have a closer look at how testing for ADHD works and whether it could benefit your family.
How Does ADD Testing Work?
In the past, diagnosing ADHD was difficult, and many people never knew why they had trouble with day-to-day tasks, such as concentrating or sitting still, that came naturally to others. Fortunately, awareness about the condition has increased, and we now have the diagnostic tools to help you understand and treat your ADHD. There are three ways the disorder can manifest itself. You might suffer from inattentive ADHD, hyperactive-impulsive ADHD, or a mix.
The simple diagnostic test on our website can help you determine whether you or your children have ADHD and if so, which type. After you’ve completed the assessment, you can get in touch with our specialists, who will confirm your diagnosis with the innovative Quotient computerized diagnostic system. Together, you can then find out whether there are underlying causes for the disorder and come up with solutions for you or your children.
Diagnosing Predominantly Inattentive ADHD
The first set of questions is designed to detect predominantly inattentive ADHD. It can be hard to tell whether you or your children are simply stressed and over-tired or whether there is an underlying problem. On our website, you can read up on the nine most common symptoms of inattentive ADHD. They include a wandering mind, the patient not listening when someone speaks to them, and a failure to complete routine tasks.
To find out whether you or a family member has this condition, you should read through the symptoms carefully. If six or more apply, the patient most likely suffers from inattentive ADHD and should be seen by a specialist. If only 4-5 apply, you should consider getting in touch with us if the symptoms frequently disrupt your life. We can determine whether there is a problem that needs to be addressed or not.
Diagnosing Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive ADHD
The second set of questions will help you to determine whether the patient in question suffers from hyperactive-impulsive ADHD. This is usually the more challenging condition because affected people are very “hyper” and have trouble sitting still at school or at work. Someone with hyperactive-impulsive ADHD might constantly be “on the go” and unable to slow down or take a break.
What’s more, they often speak excessively, have problems waiting their turn, and fidget nonstop. Children with this disorder tend to run around excessively and climb on things. They never seem to run out of energy. Again, you can read through the list of symptoms on the website and check how many apply to you or your child. If the final score is more than six, it’s likely that the patient has hyperactive-impulsive ADHD.
Diagnosing Combined ADHD
The type of ADHD you or your child has affects the way the condition is addressed. Therefore, it’s crucial to complete the diagnostic test carefully and consider both categories during the ADD testing phase. Many people don’t exclusively suffer from one or the other type, but they have a disorder called “combined ADHD”.
This is the most common type of ADHD, and it occurs when you ticked at least six boxes from both the “inattentive” and the “hyperactive-impulsive” section. People with combined ADHD need to work on their concentration issues as well as their problems with hyperactivity. However, they are often extremely talented individuals, so any treatment method must support their ability to function without destroying the successful aspects of their personality.
What Is the Quotient Computerized Diagnostic System?
Once you’ve completed the test, you will have a better understanding of whether you or your child has ADHD. If you’ve ticked 4-5 boxes in one or both categories, you should consider how the symptoms affect your life and only contact a specialist if they interfere with day-to-day activities. However, if six or more of the listed behaviors fit your or your child’s profile, treatment is recommended.
When you come to the clinic, we can use the Quotient computerized diagnostic system to confirm whether your child’s behavior is normal for their age group or whether they suffer from ADHD. The device measures their movement patterns and attention span and can indicate the child’s percentile. This is extremely helpful because it allows for a more accurate diagnosis, and it can determine whether ADHD is the cause of the behavioral issues or not.
Finding Out Why ADHD Is Present
After meeting with our specialists, you’ll know for sure whether you or your child suffers from ADHD or not. This is very helpful because it offers an explanation for the symptoms you’ve been struggling with. The next step in the process is to figure out whether there is a reason for the problem and what holistic treatment methods could be used.
For instance, some children respond well to dietary changes. At the clinic, we can use functional medical testing to see whether there are any foods or other lifestyle factors that trigger the symptoms of ADHD.
What Can Be Done About ADHD?
Our medical professionals firmly believe that people with ADHD can live a normal, healthy life without having to alter their personality through strong medication. Many of our patients are capable and talented, and we always aim to retain the positive traits of their personalities while helping them deal with the challenging aspects of their ADHD.
For this reason, we always start with holistic treatment methods, such as changes in diet and exercise patterns, after ADD testing is complete. However, we do use small amounts of medication if this is not enough to regulate the patient’s behavior.
Changing Habits and Diet
ADHD is a condition that can often be treated with lifestyle changes. Our specialists can help you or your child figure out which foods contribute to the problem. In many cases, consumption of refined sugar increases the symptoms of ADHD, so it should be avoided. We help our patients to design nutrition plans that include plenty of antioxidants, probiotics, and fiber-rich options.
Another popular lifestyle change that can offer relief to people with hyperactive-impulsive ADHD is increasing their levels of exercise. Sometimes, more movement can calm down their system and allow them to concentrate better. What’s more, we always speak to our patients about their sleeping patterns and whether they are getting enough rest. If not, behavioral sleep intervention could be a treatment option.
As mentioned, we try to use as little medication as possible because for many people ADD can be adequately managed with changes in lifestyle, habits, and diet. Some people find that taking drugs can cause them or their child to feel sluggish, lose energy, or experience negative side effects. For this reason, we start with very low doses and monitor the patient’s condition closely.
What’s more, we prefer to use extended-release medications that don’t cause abrupt changes in the patient’s mood or personality. Whenever medication is given, this is supported with herbal supplements and holistic treatment methods, which allow us to keep the dose low and, in many cases, gradually reduce the amount of medication that is necessary.
Diagnose and Treat Your ADHD Symptoms Now
Although ADHD is usually diagnosed in childhood, this wasn’t always the case in the past. Because ADD testing used to be challenging, many people never received an official diagnosis until they were teenagers or adults. Nowadays, most people are more aware of the condition, so early diagnosis is more likely. What’s more, we have advanced methods of behavioral analysis, such as the Quotient computerized diagnostic system.
If you suspect that you or a family member suffers from ADHD, you should do the online diagnostic test on our website, then speak to the professionals at our clinic. They can confirm your diagnosis and come up with appropriate solutions. While medication is sometimes necessary, we use the smallest dose possible and supplement it with holistic methods. Call us now at Cady Wellness Institute in Newburgh, IN to book your initial appointment.