Home > NewsRelease > How To Avoid Failure In Your Strategy Implementation
How To Avoid Failure In Your Strategy Implementation
Andreas Buergi, PhD Andreas Buergi, PhD
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Nuolen,
Wednesday, December 7, 2022



„We spent millions developing this new businessstrategy with one of the top management consulting firms… and it is NOTworking! It feels as though we are hovering just above ground, unable to closethe gap to where the rubber hits the road and we finally get the requiredresults.”

I frequently hear such stories from businessleaders who feel frustrated by the lack of traction and overwhelmed by thecomplexities they face when trying to implement these strategies.

We help our corporate clients to elegantly closethis gap.

One of the main reasons for the difficultiesthey face is often a result of the traditional strategy development process, inwhich the business is required to transition from the current AS IS into afuture TO BE state. 

During the implementation process many additionalrequirements, objectives and complexities tend to get added to the roadmap,until the strategy turns into a monster.

A monster that has a life of its own, eating uphuge amounts of time, money and resources – until the implementation processruns out of steam and stalls.

We have found that the key to avoiding suchfailure is to focus, manage and monitor the entire strategy development and implementationprocess with the help of an impact map. 

This starts with a clear definition andvision for the future
TO BE state and the respective effect on the business,the organization and all of the key stakeholders.

As Steve Jobs said: 

“You cannot connect thedots looking forward. You can only connect the dots looking backwards.”

With this clear end in mind, the requiredimplementation steps are defined by backtracking from the future TO BE state,charting the most elegant and effective critical path to the present startingpoint. 

This, we have found, is the key to closing the strategy implementationgap and creating better results much faster.


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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Andreas Buergi, PhD
Group: Living Water Institute Ltd.
Dateline: Nuolen, Switzerland
Direct Phone: +41 55 440 85 58
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