Home > NewsRelease > How To Maximize Your Audience Building with Correct Audio Use
How To Maximize Your Audience Building with Correct Audio Use
Terry Brock -- Achievement Systems Terry Brock -- Achievement Systems
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Orlando, FL
Friday, March 15, 2024


Hey there, it’s Terry Brock and I’m back with another exciting episode of Stark Raving Entrepreneurs! 

Today, I will show you a fabulous and nifty little tool that’s going to turbocharge your productivity and give your presentations and output a serious upgrade. 

I’m talking about the (WOW!)  iOS recordings feature on Castmagic. This game-changing tool not only gives you a quick transcript of your speech (amazingly fast!) but it also allows you to repurpose the content in multiple ways. 

Join me as I walk you through how content entrepreneurs and other creators can leverage iOS recordings. You will be able to level up your  presentations and and interviews to create killer social media content.

Trust me, you’re going to want to hear all about it!

First, here’s a gift for you to better understand AI and build sales – Recommended AI tools for business growth.


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Here are 7 timestamps highlighting key points in the episode:

  1. 00:00:00 – Introduction by Terry Brock, mentioning a productivity tool for recording and transcribing speeches.
  2. 00:00:55 – Explanation of the recording process using the iOS recording app and the speed of transcription.
  3. 00:01:28 – Benefits of using iOS recordings for professional speakers and presenters.
  4. 00:02:13 – Demo of using the Cast Magic interface to work with recordings and transcripts.
  5. 00:03:25 – Exploring the features of Magic Chat and Studio for additional content creation.
  6. 00:04:27 – Emphasizing the value of carefully planning and repurposing content from transcripts on social media.
  7. 00:06:24 – Terry Brock’s recommendation to join Stark Raving Entrepreneurs and information about AI tools for business.

These timestamps should help you navigate to the key points discussed in the episode.


Spanish Language Summary

En este episodio de Stark Raving Entrepreneurs, Terry Brock presenta la herramienta Castmagic, que permite grabar sesiones desde dispositivos iOS, generar transcripciones, y utilizar la inteligencia artificial para repurposing de contenido. Explica cómo esta herramienta es beneficiosa para oradores y profesionales de marketing, y anima a los oyentes a unirse a Stark Raving Entrepreneurs para explorar herramientas de inteligencia artificial para negocios.

Here is an unedited transcript for your further learning and growth

Terry Brock [00:00:00]:
I’ve got a tool I wanna show you that is gonna increase your productivity dramatically. And if you do speeches, be able to record you, give you a transcript of it and the audio, and create a lot of extra components that you can use for repurposing. Hi. I’m Terry Brock. And with Start Craving Entrepreneurs here, we talk about how you can increase that. I’m gonna show you exactly how today with a program that I’ve talked about before. Here it is. It’s called Cast Magic.

Terry Brock [00:00:24]:
And I’m over here on the thing making me a little bit larger here. This is just a between you and me kind of a recording. I want to show you what is available with the thing they call iOS recordings. And iOS recordings is exactly what you think it would be. It’s from your Apple devices that you’re able to record. We don’t have it yet for Android as I’m recording this, but I’m looking for to that coming pretty soon. But you’ll see over here on the side, we just take a look at the recordings right here, Ios recordings. I’ve clicked on that and these come in in addition, because what you do is you need to load an app.

Terry Brock [00:00:55]:
You load the app for this special one, again for Ios only, but then it gives you the ability to just tap on a screen on the screen and start recording. It goes all the way through, and then when it’s done, it’s ready with a transcript in just a few minutes. Mine was, recently I did a couple of days ago, was about an hour 5, hour 10 minutes or so. And I was able to get it processed. It was about in 10 minutes. So pretty fast transcript and everything there. And this gives a lot of capability. Now this is something that you wanna look into if you are presenting a lot.

Terry Brock [00:01:28]:
If you’re a professional speaker, absolutely. If you’re getting ready for a big presentation, this will be really good. Because what you can do is you go through your presentation. I’d recommend using it with your slides, your PowerPoint slides, or your keynote slides. Use Ios recordings, and you do a recording of it. You’re doing a dry run. You’re doing an actual sample of it. Then you can go back, and with the words there written down, as well as listening to them, you can go back and go, I could have said that differently here.

Terry Brock [00:01:56]:
Or, oh, that was a good line. I wanna use that one. And then you can use that and amplify it. See, and that’s part of the real benefit of this. What you can do with Ios recordings is you can get those, put them into cast magic. That’s where they’ll come from. And then you can roll there. Let me show you what I’m talking about here.

Terry Brock [00:02:13]:
So I make this just a little bit smaller right here. Pick me up. I’ll move me over here out of the way. So I’m in this and I can see all the various recordings that I’ve done. And matter of fact, here’s one that I did. Let me show you as an example that shows me going through talking about, what’s there. I can see, a lot of different examples where I can use this. So I can say, like for instance here, people are talking about this.

Terry Brock [00:02:35]:
I go, yeah. I’ve heard about that now. It has changed. There’s some negatives that are out there, etcetera. So I can grab that just like that and be able to take that and then I can copy it over into, the studio. You’ll notice up here at the top we can get a transcript. I can use AI content with it. Use magic chat as well as studio.

Terry Brock [00:02:57]:
Now the magic chat is much like chat g p t. That’s really where it’s tying into. And so you can use that to create all kinds of extras like give me a sample of this in Spanish. Something that I’m doing already. So I get a summation of the program in Spanish. Well, you could do that for your speeches now, as well as for your podcasts and your YouTube channel. And then there’s also studio. Studio, we talked about on a recent video where really it was good.

Terry Brock [00:03:25]:
You can create those quotes, those cue quotes. So you have a graphics card with a quote on it. Well, now if you find something here that’s really good, you can say, oh, okay. I like this text right here. I’m gonna grab this text, etcetera. Then what I’ll do is I’ll copy it. I’m using my Mac here. So command c, control c on your windows, and then I can take that move it over here.

Terry Brock [00:03:44]:
But this is all within the Ios recordings. So what you do is you carefully plan it that you have a special line you want to say. You want to make that an Instagram post. You want to make that a post on x or on LinkedIn or Facebook or where wherever it might be. You can just make sure you say that, pull it out and put it in there. You’re being able to now create a lot of content in some really powerful ways that we just, well, we couldn’t do before. And now, it gives us the ability to do a lot more, a lot faster, and there’s no extra charge for it. You’re just using the minutes that you have, as you’re working with them on your particular platform, whatever it is.

Terry Brock [00:04:27]:
So this is something I want you to take a look at and think about how this can help you. For me, I see some real benefits coming to it, to a gas hoot from using it because what we’ll be able to do is be able to carefully plan not only that presentation and not only review it, but look at it and think, okay. How can I make this better? I’ve got a transcript And it gives you the ability to have that AI assistant. I’ve talked about Yudlee here on the channel before. And it’s great. Well this gives you power to do a whole lot more particularly in repurposing it on social media. So with social media using iOS recordings on Cast Magic, it’s gonna be something that you want to take a look at and start working with. Let me show you some of the other features that you can use with this as we work with it.

Terry Brock [00:05:20]:
Like I mentioned here, using the, content. I can click on this content here, and look what it did. It gave me some time stamps here, key topics and bullets that I can use. So if somebody says, oh, I wanna find out about using AI to create images from textual descriptions, oh, that’s in there. Okay. That’s good. And then I can see all of that. Now the time stamps will tell you where it happened and how it was in there.

Terry Brock [00:05:44]:
This is giving us an ID a summation of the various features that are there. And here I’ve got my time stamps knowing that I talked about, Kroger and how it’s using AI for personalized online shopping somewhere at including the studio. And the way I look at it is this is just a great way to make sure that you can get all of those elements put together and become a much more powerful, more persuasive presenter. And then also a publisher. There’s all the p’s in there. Yeah. You can put all that in there together, and it’s gonna help you to do a lot more. Cast magic is the tool.

Terry Brock [00:06:24]:
I recommend getting that and taking a look at it and also recommend that you join us over at Stark Raving Entrepreneurs. We meet regularly with people. You can come in and take a chair, a test to see how it’s like for $1. Check it out, see what it’s like for a whole month. Get a chance to see and learn about AI and marketing and how to build your business in some big ways. And we’ve got something here we wanna make available to you that is ongoing. This is the AI tools for biz. It gives you the ability to get access to a lot of different tools, chat gpt, DALL E 3, Canva and many others as well.

Terry Brock [00:06:59]:
So that’ll be something. And you could also pick this up here if you’re catching this on video with AI tools for biz. That’s the number 4 biz.com.ai tools for biz.com or use your camera and you get a QR shot of this right there. So lots of good ahead for you. And we encourage you to keep working on this. And by the way, check out the video above. It’ll be talking also about cast magic and how you can use that. I’m Terry Brock.

Terry Brock [00:07:25]:
Thank you for joining me.

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Name: Terry Brock
Group: Achievement Systems
Dateline: Orlando, FL United States
Direct Phone: 407-363-0505
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