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How Tri Athletes, Swimmers and Marathon Runners Can Maximize Gym Time
Joe Lorenz ---  Bodybuilding Pre Workout Supplements Joe Lorenz --- Bodybuilding Pre Workout Supplements
New York, NY
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Joe Lorenz is the founder of Real Sports Labs which produces The Real Deal, a powerful pre-workout supplement
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How Tri Athletes, Swimmers and Marathon Runners Can Maximize Gym Time

By Joe Lorenz

Maximizing gym time is the best way to get a great result, but just marking time without progress is a waste of time. There are several supplement ingredients that can safely maximize the time you spend on your workout. Obviously, some are better than others so to help you make an informed choice here are the ingredients I have found that have the most positive impact: The ingredients are: Beta-Alanine, Creatine, Branch Chain Amino Acids, Caffeine, Electrolytes, Citrulline Malate and Xyliltol.

Some of these elements may be new to you but there is nothing mysterious or unproven about their functions and effects. For example, Citrulline Malate, derived from watermelons and apples, is a second-generation successor of L-Arginine. Citrulline Malate not only raises plasma levels better than the same dose of L-Arginine but also slows the onset of muscle fatigue by removing ammonia from the body's waste and replacing it with oxygen. So the immediate workout benefit of Citrulline Malate is that it removes toxins from the blood and replaces them with nutrients and oxygen. Citrulline Malate = better pump before and after a workout.

If you are bodybuilding or in a regimented fitness routine you'll sometimes have to stop training because your muscles get too fatigued. This is often followed by a muscular burn. The burning happens when your body builds up too much hydrogen molecules. These molecules offset the pH levels in your muscles which drops your muscular performance. The best way to stop this build-up is to ingest Beta-Alanine which creates a buffer known as Carnosine. The buffer soaks up all the excess hydrogen molecules, assuring your body remains in the optimal pH range. Beta-Alanine allows our muscles to contract harder and longer, allowing more reps and more sets. The Carnosine buffer created by Beta-Alanine works great for weight-lifting, running, road biking or mountain biking, skiing, or any other cardio-vascular activity.

For more than 20 years Creatine has been very popular as a performance-enhancing supplement for bodybuilders because it increases muscle mass by increasing size and strength. Creatine, a component of skeletal muscle, enters our body from food, mainly fresh meat. About 95 percent of the Creatine that enters our body ends up being stored in the skeletal muscles. Because vegetarians do not get the benefits of eating fresh meat, they can build body mass by taking supplements containing Creatine.

Doing the same exact workout can lead to boredom, but we need to keep in focus during a workout. This can be done with the help of Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) which builds tissues and produces chemicals that sharpen our ability to focus. BCAAs not only build muscle but prevents muscle breakdown, aids in fat loss, and regulates blood-sugar levels. Besides building cells and repairing tissue BCAAs also delay the onset of fatigue.

Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system and accelerates your energy to maximize your power output. Caffeine also provides the surge needed to maximize training, increase your focus and mental alertness, and delay the onset of muscle fatigue. Caffeine increases the body's fuel-burning abilities and extends the amount of stored sugar available for energy. Because caffeine contributes to endurance and strength, runners and cyclists can achieve greater than normal distance by just drinking a couple cups of coffee.

Another important tool in preventing dehydration is electrolytes which consist of magnesium, potassium, sodium and calcium. The heart, muscles and nerve cells use electrolytes to carry muscle contractions and nerve impulses to other cells. During a workout the body loses electrolytes in your sweat, especially potassium and sodium. The lost electrolytes must be replaced because just a two percent loss of body fluids can greatly reduce exercise capacity. Electrolytes should be used during and after a workout to prehydrate, hydrate, and rehydrate.

The final ingredient any power supplement should contain is Xyliltol because it burns fat, reduces muscle fatigue, and produces energy bursts. Xyliltol is an organic sugar alcohol found in the fibers of many fruits and vegetables. Xyliltol makes it easier for older people to remain fit and active because it increases bone density. Xyliltol is important for all ages, though, because it produces high intense energy bursts without the harmful effects of sugar and without harming your teeth. Because Xyliltol increases ATP levels this sugar source will increase fat release, replenish glycogen, fight fatigue, and produce volatile short-chain fatty acids that act as a longer-lasting source of energy.

Trying to select a power supplement to maximize your workouts can be very confusing and can result in you needlessly spending money needlessly for high-cost, low-result products. Check the labels to see if the above ingredients are included and be suspicious of any supplement that contains filler material. Also be very wary of supplement manufacturers who hide behind proprietary blends that attempt to entice you with trace amounts of ingredients that have no direct benefits to exercise and weight training.

About the Author

About the Author

Joe Lorenz is the founder of Real Sports Labs which produces The Real Deal, a powerful pre-workout supplement that helps improve endurance, energy, strength and mental focus whether biking, swimming, running, body building or weight training. The Real Deal is available at Health Clubs and Gyms as well as from personal fitness trainers or online at http://www.TheNewRealDeal.com

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Name: Scott Lorenz
Title: Publicist
Group: Westwind Communications
Dateline: Plymouth, MI United States
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