Home > NewsRelease > How Trump Can Be a Kingmaker and Maximize Damage Control
How Trump Can Be a Kingmaker and Maximize Damage Control
Larry Levine -- Midnight Report Larry Levine -- Midnight Report
Los Angeles, CA
Saturday, November 7, 2020


I'm Larry Levine. Having been a damage control expert for Organized Crime in my past life I have devised a crazy scenario in which Donald Trump can leave office and act as a Kingmaker and minimize possible criminal charges to himself and his family.  So hear me out!

In the Levine Plan, after Biden is declared the winner, Trump resigns so Pence can become President and Pardon him. Trump needs Federal Pardons for himself and his immediate family and friends so that they don't end up under Federal indictment. Despite what Donnie is saying, he cannot pardon himself.

Now here's the rub on the whole deal.

Pence is not a strong candidate, so it's unlikely the Republicans would risk running him in 2024. The beauty of the Larry Levine plan is Pence gets to appoint a new Vice President, probably a popular up and coming Republican congressman who can then claim experience to make a Run for President in 2024 as a former Vice President.

Trump gets to act as a kingmaker! He will love that!

Then they run one of Trump's kids as the VP running mate in 2024! Probably Ivanka so they can throw a woman against Kamala Harris.

A neat little package. The Republicans get a bunch of pardons and position themselves for future operations. Trump won't wanna resign but he needs the pardon. Just my opinion on how I'd handle it to turn a loss into a future win!



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Name: Larry Levine
Title: Director
Group: Wall Street Prison Consultants
Dateline: Moorpark, CA United States
Direct Phone: 213-948-1069
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