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How to Bond With Your Clients
Dan Janal -- Book Coach Dan Janal -- Book Coach
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Minneapolis, MN
Tuesday, June 16, 2020


Consultants and coaches spend countless hours thinking of new ideas to write for their newsletters, blogs, and social media.

They all want to create a new idea and hop on a new trend.

After all, we all want to be thought of as smart and helpful.

But did you know:

The best way to bond with your readers is to show them that you are human!

It’s true.

I’ve been writing on the web for nearly 15 years and the times I get a flood of emails is when I reveal something personal about myself, not when I write a great article or explain a new tactic.

Now, relax.

I’m not talking about baring your soul, opening your emotional closet, or revealing your deepest fantasies.

I’m talking about when you do normal things.

From my own experience and those of others, I’ve found the greatest feedback when writing about:

  • my cats
  • my vacations
  • my gardening
  • my attempts at playing the guitar
  • my training for a 5K race

I also get a lot of comments if a link doesn’t work or if there’s an extra space between words or if there’s a typo.

I’m sure that’s because people want to help.

And, there’s the time I added the “Life Events” to my Facebook timeline and when I added “Got Married”, I forgot to add the date!

My friends had a FIELD DAY with that one, seeing as Sue and I have been married for many, many happy years.

It made for a lot of good-natured ribbing, and people loved it!

All this just goes to show:

If you put more personality into your writing, people will want to know more about you and will bond with you.

I know one guy who writes about his skydiving.

Another person gives the play by play details of his upcoming wedding planning.

Another person prints jokes about dogs.

Another person writes about his horrible experiences at restaurants.

Let’s face it: most of the information we write about business can be written by anyone.

There are only so many ways to say “to lose weight, eat less and exercise more.”

Or the equivalents for getting a job, overcoming procrastination, asking for a raise, leading your employees, or making money on the Internet.

The thing that’s going to help you stand out is your personality.

When you show personality, you bond with your readers and you’ll have a better chance to build trust so you can make a sale.

Reporters love this too, so let’s introduce you to some who want to learn more about you.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Dan Janal
Title: Book Coach, Developmental Editor, and Ghostwriter
Dateline: Excelsior, MN United States
Direct Phone: 952-380-9844
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