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How to Find a Consistent Way to Gain Project Approval?
Loreen Sherman, MBA, CPP, RIMS-CRMP, CMC Loreen Sherman, MBA, CPP, RIMS-CRMP, CMC
Calgary, AB
Monday, March 16, 2015

Star-Ting Incorporated’s Stakeholder Engagement Process
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World Heavy Oil Congress 2015 theme is producing more with less. Connect with the international community at the Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Shaw Conference Center and gain an expert perspective on remaining competitive, managing costs and building a sustainable heavy oil industry.

STAR-TING INCORPORATED is pleased to announce its participation in the conference to discuss how social license to operate has remained underdeveloped as a solution for risk mitigation. These themes are well-known to Loreen Sherman, Director and CEO of Star-Ting Incorporated. Her knowledge comes from over 35 years of experience. She will be on the floor on March 26, 2015 to talk about why businesses have become vulnerable and some new frameworks that can enable sustainable solutions.

Social license to operate enters the stage as a response to the need for effective management of social and environmental risk. Corporate-level and project-level risk are complex and often require external assistance. Star-Ting Incorporated is positioned to help uncover hidden threats by focusing on risk mitigation strategies. Their process is a combination of safety, environmental and they integrate social license to operate into the solution to find a consistent way to gain project approval. Star-Ting Inc. uses a risk management process that systematically applies management policies, procedures and practices to a set of activities intended to establish the context, communicate and consult with stakeholders; and identify, analyze, evaluate, treat, monitor and review risk.

Star-Ting Incorporated's Process Risk Management Base-lines:

  • Cost-Benefits
  • HAZOP Techniques
  • Stakeholder Engagement

The desire to reduce injury to employees, volunteers and owners in the workplace is critical because human resources are valuable. Their knowledge is an asset. Their experience is an asset. Their community is an asset. Risk assessments are critical in keeping these valuable assets alive.

So, how can you participate? Call 403.289.2292 or Toll Free 1.877.896.7292 today.

Director and CEO at Star-Ting Incorporated, a direct management consulting firm, Loreen Sherman is active in multiple associations including, Desk and Derrick, GPAC, SCMA, PHS, PJVA, COAA and the Canadian Heavy Oil Association where she chairs the Communications and External Relations committee with the focus on advancing the educational content of how the oil industry works. Headquartered in Calgary, Alberta she collaborates with Board, CEO’s, executives and subject matter experts to build energy management solutions in corporate-level and project-level risk management.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Loreen Sherman, MBA, CPP
Title: Director & CEO
Group: Star Ting Incorporated
Dateline: Calgary, AB Canada
Direct Phone: 1.403.289.2292
Main Phone: 1.403.289.2292
Cell Phone: 1.587.225.2292
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