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How to Prepare Your Child for the First Day of School
Dr. Jean Cirillo, PhD, JD,  Attorney - Psychologist Dr. Jean Cirillo, PhD, J.D., Psychologist
Huntington, NY
Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The First Day of School is Never Easy for Your Child

The first day of school is never easy for your child. Little kids are often very sensitive; and the day they meet a number of strangers, and experience a completely different routine is apparently hard for them. Parents often ask for suggestions on how to make the first day of kindergarten or preschool easier for the kids.

Psychologists say that children feel hesitant to go anywhere new, since meeting new people can make them feel uncomfortable. If you are looking for some helpful tips to prepare your child for the first day of school,  we have got you covered.

Make a Visit to the School in Advance

If you want to overcome your child's anxiety on the very first day of his school, you should visit the school with him in advance. Go there with your kid, roam around, and see the classroom, play area and other places to familiarize your little buddy with the surroundings.   You should also meet her teachers and try to make your kid comfortable with them. Obviously, it will take time, but if children have seen the teachers before their regular first day, they would be more comfortable.

Get a Schoolbook

To ensure your kid has a hassle-free time at school and a comfortable first day, you and your kid should have a clear idea about the school's rules and regulations. Go through their school book and help your kid to understand how to behave appropriately as per the institute's expectations.

Grab Class Schedule

Go through the timings of classes and other related activities in advance. Discuss with your kid the different learning activities that are going to be organized by the preschool. It will help to develop her interest in school and make things easier for her.

 Buy the School Supplies Together

It would be beneficial, particularly if your little angel loves to hang out with you. Shopping together would make her feel excited about school.  Let her choose the stuff for her school. It will make her happy. 


Talk to Your Child

This is the most essential parenting tip. Talking to your little ones is very important. The more you talk to them in a friendly environment, the more confident they become. Sit with your kid a night before her first day at school. Talk to her and tell her that it is going to be great fun.

Additionally, you should tell her that all the kids feel this way and it is okay to be a bit nervous. Talk about the positive aspects and perks of going to school. It will help to lower your kid's anxiety. You should also listen to what she has to say. Ask about her concerns and give satisfactory answers to make her feel comfortable.


Psychology says that children often find it difficult to adjust to new places. To prepare your kid for the first day of school is not easy. It requires extensive effort on the part of the parents. You have to reassure your children that they will have a wonderful time at school. It can be done by sharing your own fun-filled school experiences.

In short, a kids mind can be molded in any way. Pay attention to how they feel, give them more time, and you can overcome their fear about school's first day.


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Name: Dr. Jean Cirillo, PhD, JD
Title: Attorney/Psychologist
Dateline: Huntington, NY United States
Direct Phone: 516-795-0631
Cell Phone: 516-532-3625
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