Saturday, November 2, 2024

Stop hoping you will create your desires, change your circumstances, or become the person you want to (and know you can) be. Hope is a surefire way to ensure you never achieve such goals.
When you hope, you imply doubt, which slows down or negates your ability to create what you want. It’s a mixed message: “I want to achieve this goal but doubt I will.”
The Universe responds, “Okay…you say you want this thing but don’t believe you can have it. So, we won’t help you create it.”
But if you trust that you can create your desire or achieve your goal, you transform doubt into faith. That’s when your message becomes clear: “I desire this and have faith—know and believe—I will create it.”
The Universe responds: “Yes. It is yours.”
And you affirm that you can co-create what matters most to you.
The Meaning of Hope, Trust, and Faith
Let’s explore these words in more depth.
Standard definitions say hope is “a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.” When you say, “I hope ____ will happen,” you imply that maybe it won’t. You may want and expect that thing to enter your life, but you aren’t 100 percent sure it will. You assume or believe it will, but in both cases, you have no proof or certainty that it will happen.
On the other hand, trust is a “firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.” This word implies little doubt. After all, a belief is something you “accept as true and feel is the truth.” So, when you say, “I trust I will create ___,” you indicate that you know this to be true and a reliable fact…and you or a Higher Power have the ability and strength to make it so.
Faith is defined as “complete trust or confidence in someone or something.” If you have faith that you will create your desires, change your circumstances, and become the person you want to be, you have no doubt. You have gone beyond belief and now know what you want is coming to you. You trust that you can create it and that Source will conspire to help you.
By now you realize that replacing the word “hope” with “trust” removes doubt and instills confidence. Trust opens you to all the miracles and possibilities available to you because you have certainty.
So, stop saying, “I hope…” This applies not only to what you hope for yourself but for others, too.
When you call a friend, don’t say, “I hope you are well.” Instead, say, “I trust you are well.”
That sentence possesses more creative power because you don’t doubt it is true. You are clear in your wish for that person.
Not only that, you don’t pass the energy of doubt on to someone else. Instead, you pass on trust, knowing, and belief. You give them a dose of faith.
Remove Hope From Your Vocabulary
I removed the word hope from my vocabulary about six months ago when a coach I know wrote about doing the same. Given my love for language, I spent time understanding that word and shared that understanding with you in this post.
I know the power of words and thoughts. They are creative tools. So, I use words that focus my thoughts on what is possible and what I intend.
If I continue to say, “I hope…,” it’s like saying, “Maybe?” or “Perhaps?” (Note the question mark to indicate the tone of those words…the doubt they possess that something will come to pass.)
Increase Your Trust in Source and Self
When you hope, you lack trust in the Universe and how it works. You lack belief in Source or in yourself. And you lack faith in yourself and your ability to create what you desire.
If you feel you’ve lost spiritual faith, try trusting the Universe. Affirm that you trust Source to bring you whatever is for your highest good.
In the process of trusting Source, you increase trust in yourself. You contain a spark of Divinity. You are a spiritual being having a human experience. Your spiritual nature is always connected to Source. So, if you trust Source, you trust yourself.
Offer Clear Messages of Trust
I trust you will drop the word hope from your spoken language and thoughts. Do that, and your language will demonstrate faith in the Universe. Your increased trust in yourself and in Source will cause you to believe you can and know you will create what you desire.
Trust will transform your doubt into faith.
Do you use the word hope or trust when you speak about your desires? Comment below, and share this post with someone who might benefit from reading it.
Imagine harnessing your powerful creative ability and creating what you desire. What might become possible? As a
transformational coach and
certified High-Performance Coach, I’ve seen my clients become people who are able to take the actions necessary to create what matters to them most. You can do the same.
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Image courtesy of olegdudko.
Nina Amir is known as the Inspiration to Creation Coach. As one of 800 elite Certified High Performance Coaches working around the world, she helps her clients Achieve More Inspired Results. She works with people who want to realize their dreams, achieve their potential, fulfill their purpose, and live full lives that feed their souls. Nina is also a bestselling author, certified Law of Attraction Coach, certified rebirther, and ordained minister.