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Howard Rasheed, PhD to Address the National Innovation Congress in Peru
Dr. Howard Rasheed -- Idea Accelerator Technologies Dr. Howard Rasheed -- Idea Accelerator Technologies
Wilmington, NC
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Dr. Rasheed Receives Invitation to Participate in Peru's 3rd Annual National Innovation Week

Howard Rasheed, PhD, CEO and founder of the Institute of Innovation, will deliver a keynote address and attend the third National Innovation Week in Peru on May 23 – May 27, 2011. National Innovation Week, also known as InnotecPeru, is an annual event that was created to "unite the efforts of various institutions to position technological innovation in Peru in order to improve the quality of life in Peruvian society".

In addition to the promotion of innovation in the public and private sectors, Innotec Peru "aims to stimulate technological development, [seeks] the application of knowledge, and facilitate technology transfer between academia and businesses in the productive sectors and regions of [Peru]". The week of events include specialized workshops, a showcase of prototype technology and innovation, an address to the III National Congress, and various meetings. Dr. Rasheed will deliver a speech to the III National Congress on May 25th and conduct workshops on innovation on May 23rd and May 24th using his patent-pending innovation software, Idea AcceleratorTM. Rasheed will be addressing prominent international experts at the National Innovation Congress and more than 600 students, professors, and member organizations.

Dr. Rasheed has stood on the front line of innovation by founding the Institute for Innovation and co-authoring a new book, Yes You Can: Reaching Your Potential While Achieving Greatness. Rasheed's upcoming release entitled the Innovation Renaissance: 7 Strategies for Winning the Future will be available in Fall of 2011. Dr. Rasheed has become renowned, both nationally and internationally, for his patent-pending innovation software, Idea Accelerator TM. Rasheed's most recent work include facilitating planning sessions with the Management Center for Strategic Studies, a government entity in the Ministry of Science and Technology in Brazil.

For more information about this event, visit http://www.innotecperu.org/ or contact Dr. Rasheed at hrasheed@ec.rr.com.

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Name: Dr. Howard Rasheed
Group: Institute for Innovation, Inc.
Dateline: Wilmington, NC United States
Direct Phone: 877-789-8899
Main Phone: 877-789-8899
Cell Phone: (910) 431-1233
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