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Human Factor International’s Jeffrey Jones Joins Global Image Leaders at AICI 2010 Global Conference in Vancouver
Jeffrey P. Jones -- Hong Kong Executive _ Transcultural Coach Jeffrey P. Jones -- Hong Kong Executive _ Transcultural Coach
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Bernie Burson-VP Communications, Jeffrey Jones-VP Marketing, Karen Brunger-Past President, Clare Maxfield-VP Chapter Relations
  (September 21, 2010) Human Factor International Managing Director Jeffrey Jones joined leaders in the image profession at the Association of Image Consultants International (AICI) 2010 Global Conference in Vancouver from May 20-23. The annual conference brings together image and coaching professionals from around the globe to explore ideas and share best practices and research. Jeffrey's attendance and participation as a panel moderator and workshop presenter demonstrates HFI's ongoing commitment to deliver cutting edge Executive Coaching & Image services backed by evidence based research and global best practices.

The AICI 2010 Global Conference brochure explains, "AICI's membership has grown tremendously in the past 20 years.  Our membership in the US and outside the US are almost neck and neck now!  We are as international as we are American and as non-English speaking as we are English-speaking.  This is exciting news for our upcoming conference as it is AICI's 20th annual conference.  Appropriately, we have chosen a global theme to celebrate our global status.  We are excited to be going to Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 20-23, 2010.  AICI strives to support, encourage, and educate our members in all aspects of image management.  Through our international network, conference participants are able to share ideas and skills, and learn from each other.  Please take this invaluable opportunity to become internationally informed. Come meet members from other cultures and learn how image consultants manage their businesses in other countries.  It will be a delightful exploration for us all."

The AICI website reads, "The Association of Image Consultants International (AICI) is the leading and largest professional association of personal and corporate image consultants worldwide. A non-profit organization, AICI is dedicated to advancing the level of professionalism and enhancing the recognition of image consultants. Our members counsel both individual and corporate clients on appearance, behavior, communication skills, etiquette and international protocol. As experts in image consulting, our members guide clients to achieve their specific goals with authenticity, credibility and confidence."

Human Factor International is a global Executive Coaching practice with clients on five continents.  Our global network of executive coaches and human resource professionals has the flexibility and ability to deliver scalable executive coaching and development programs that meet the needs of multi-national organizations, regional businesses, and individual entrepreneurs.  We partner with leading organizations and individuals to "Raise the Limits of Human Potential" in order to achieve breakthrough business and personal results.

HFI incorporates Image & Personal Branding into client work as part of its comprehensive approach to coaching executives.  Jeffrey is a coach on the faculty of both the London Image Institute and Academy of Image Mastery, where he coaches graduates from the program around business building and entrepreneurship.  He is a Board Member of the AICI Hong Kong Chapter and a Pioneer Gold Circle sponsor to the AICI South Asia - Singapore Chapter.  HFI has a number of Image & Personal Branding consultants on its global team.  In 2010 Jeffrey was elected as the VP of Marketing on AICI's International Board.


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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Jeffrey P. Jones
Title: Executive & Transcultural Coach
Group: Human Factor International
Dateline: Hong Kong, China
Direct Phone: 852 2159 9135
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