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Humans are GMO's too
Andy Lopez  - Organic Gardening Expert Andy Lopez - Organic Gardening Expert
Malibu, CA
Saturday, October 25, 2014


GMO's Good Or Bad?

Many folks are confused as to this issue of GMO/GEO. Genetically Engineered Organisms and Genetically Modified Organisms are not the same thing. As new GMO bills come into Law, we will find ourselves not being able to buy any Genetically Modified Crops at all!   Please note: Everything we are eating  has been genetically modified over the years from either seed breeding to selecting the best plants and growing those. Everything is GMO. The only thing that is not are clones. We find clones in a few places in nature but usually only man makes clones on purpose. Love tomatoes? GMO. Like Peppers? GMO.

These GMO's are  all grouped together right along with the dangerous types of GMO's(GEO). What? There are good types of GMO's?   Only difference is that Natural modified them instead of humans. Humans are themselves GMO. We are not clones of our parents. 

GMO's fall under several classifications: Natural mutations show up in nature on their own (that would be us, birds, animals etc), Open-Pollinated are either self pollinated or thru specific cross pollination with certain traits in mind thru controlled cross-breeding within proper species, some open pollinated varieties are  (being my favorite vegetable) for example the Bloomsdale spinach or Sugar Snaps or Super sweet Corn, to name a few.  Try and  find something that has not been modified over the millions of years. Traditional hybrids arise from controlled cross-breeding to achieve a certain trait of the parent for example Sweet 100 Tomato is actually a traditional hybrid achieved thru GMO techniques as is also many types of Arugula, Squash, Pumpkin, Watermelon and so on. You can see that the above list can be extensive and as such these types of GMO's must not be included in any new laws that are intended to govern those Genetically Engineered.

I have been doing my radio show called "Don't Panic Its Organic" for over 38 years now and around 1984 I started talking about GMO's(GEO specifically). I read that in 1982 – FDA Approved the  First GEO: Humulin, an insulin produced by genetically engineered E. coli bacteria then same year it appears on the market and then by 1994 – GEO Hits Grocery StoresThe U.S.  Food and Drug Administration approves the Flavr Savr tomato for sale. It was in 1996 that   GEO-Resistant Weed were detected in Australia.

All during this time, I was trying to tell folks that these are the types of GMO's that we must be aware of. Genetically Engineered GMO's fall into three categories: First there is rDNA: DNA that have been altered by joining of two different types of genes in the test tube. Think BT ready corn or  Round-up ready Corn or 24-d. Then there is Protoplast fusions:joining two cells of two different plants that would not normally join in nature. Another category is Chemical or radiation induced mutations: these are spices that are either through chemical or through the use of exposing them to radiation, the plants seeds produce a mutation of the parent(s).  These three types of GEO's are called "Transgenic" and it is these that we must be careful in what we allow to happen and what we do not want to happen. These transgenic GEO's can have devastating effects on all living things right down to what is growing below in the ground.

Please understand this.

You can hear this article live on my latest radio show


Any questions? Email me andy@invisiblegardener.com response next article



 Andy Lopez

Invisible Gardener

Andy Lopez - The Invisible Gardener  --- Click on image to go his website.
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Group: Invisible Gardener Inc
Dateline: Malibu, CA United States
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