Home > NewsRelease > ICFE bows new Debt Collection Compliance Course with CEs
ICFE bows new Debt Collection Compliance Course with CEs
Institute of Consumer Financial Education Institute of Consumer Financial Education
San Diego, CA
Monday, January 14, 2013


ICFE Introduces New Certification -

Certified Consumer "Debt Collection Compliance Specialist" (DCCS™)

The New DCCS™ Course is accepted for 15 CEs

San Diego, CA - The Institute of Consumer Financial Education (ICFE) has introduced for January 2013 a new certification course titled: Certified Consumer "Debt Collection Compliance Specialist" (DCCS™). It has been accepted for 15 CEs by the AFCPE and variety of other professional organizations.

The ICFE's new DCCS™ program is about debt collection compliance. Nearly every financial counselor has encountered an overbearing collector sometime in their career and many felt somewhat helpless because they were not fully aware of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). Now, the new Certified Consumer "Debt Collection Compliance Specialist" program educates trains and equips financial counselors with the knowledge needed to determine if the debt collector is in compliance with the law.

Service members who are deployed and who may also be in collection are entitled to special benefits under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) of 2003. The DCCS(™) course completely covers the SCRA benefits and much more. Learning how debt collectors are trained including using social medias is another chapter. The most common FDCPA violations made by collectors are included too. Students will also learn how to document violations of a debt collector against the FDCPA law and, importantly, what specific steps to take on behalf of the consumer if a collector breaks the law. The FDCPA limits the communications between debt collectors and debtors. The DCCS(™) course covers all the details and the so-called "mini-Miranda" statement.

Any credit or debt counselor, as well as financial planners and military command financial specialists taking this course will gain the knowledge to better deal with aggressive debt collectors on behalf of their constituents and because they know the FDCPA can tell if immediately if a collector or collection companies are in compliance.

ICFE has certified over six thousand professionals in seven different specialty certification programs. These professionals are employed by a wide range of organizations including consumer credit and debt counseling organizations, credit unions and other financial institutions, student loan lenders, cooperative extension system, all branches of the military, mortgage, real estate, and financial services firms; law enforcement, and other government agencies. Many others are private practitioners including notary public, attorneys, CPAs, CFPs, privacy professionals, fraud investigators and consumer educators.

The DCCS™ program is accepted for 15 continuing education credits by the AFCPE and other financial planning associations.


ICFE eNEWS is available FREE upon request by visiting the ICFE's Web site and filling out the contact form, selecting "Yes" for "Add to Mailing List." Please pass this eNEWS on to your peers and interested others and invite them to subscribe for free. Also, visit the ICFE's new Web site: StudentDebtHelp.org

Sent by:

Paul Richard

President - Executive Director

Institute of Consumer Financial Education (ICFE)


ICFE - Institute of Consumer Financial Education - ICFE.info - 619.239.1401

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Group: Institute of Consumer Financial Education
Dateline: San Diego, CA United States
Direct Phone: 858-276-7139
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