Friday, July 26, 2024

I am retiring from astrology as of the end of this month, as this year 2023 closes.
I wanted you to be the first to know that I have decided to retire from astrology after more than 25 years as a professional astrologer.
Here are more details and a bit about what comes next. And thank you for being with me and for being YOU.
My Next Chapter
There’s a new chapter that's coming in my life.
I wanted to take a moment to let you know about my plans to retire from astrology now that my December podcast with Anna and Raven is up.
Time For Art
As you know, besides my many decades working as an astrologer, I'm also an artist.
For many years, I have tried to manage doing astrology full time as well as giving time to painting. This year, having reached my mid-60s, it has become obvious that I cannot sustain this level of activity anymore.
So as much as I love astrology, and always will, the time has come to retire so that I can devote my time to making art.
New Projects Coming In 2024
I also want to let you know that I've been working behind the scenes on some new artwork as well as new projects and pathways for bringing it out for you to see.
I'll be announcing more about these new adventures as they develop in the new calendar year.
Thank You
In the meantime, do check out my December podcast. It includes a beautiful sendoff from Anna and Raven during my final appearance with them as Astrologer Anne.
And thank you for being with me on the journey through the stars. Whether you've been with me many years or have joined in recently, I so appreciate your support and your presence through all the astro ups and downs.
I wish you peace, starry skies, and the wonder of life's eternal unfolding.
About Anne Nordhaus-Bike
Anne Nordhaus-Bike earned an A.B. in art history, with honors, from the University of Chicago. She is affiliated with Woman Made Gallery in Chicago and has exhibited widely, including shows at Woman Made, the University of Illinois at Chicago, and the Hinsdale Center for the Arts as well as numerous galleries, businesses, and other venues.
Her work has been published extensively and featured on television and motion pictures. A noted speaker, she has given numerous presentations on art. She also is a longtime arts journalist. Her art and arts writing have earned awards, both nationally and internationally.
For more information about Nordhaus-Bike, log on to